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  1. #1
    Dono4u is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Another Winny Question!

    I am on my second real cycle.. here is what I have planned so far...

    QV DECA 300 weeks 1-10 a week
    QV Test Ent 250 weeks 1-10 500 mg/ml a week

    Stats Current:
    165 lbs
    8.5 % BW

    I am getting a little bloated but really started to bulk. I thought about adding some Winny at the end of the cycle, for some cutting, but heres my question,, does the Winny make you loose weight (water/fat/muscle)?? I can get the QV Stan or (winny) what are the injections like pain wise...and what whould be an ideal of cycle dosage?
    Is there much side effects...? I know its alot of question but some help would be great. I will also do some major researching before.

  2. #2
    chinups Guest
    Just go the the anabolic home page and look at the drug profiles and you will answer every question u just asked....normal dose is 50.100mg a day and diet and cardio burns fat not juice but it does help u jacke up a bit while on low calorie diet (perserves muscles)

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