Thread: Q's on Cutting Cycle??
02-04-2012, 10:53 PM #1
Q's on Cutting Cycle??
Hey everyone,
I did my first cycle (bulking) last year and had great gains.. Muscle and body fat. I went from 215lbs up to 245lbs.. After being on a strict diet for a few months I've worked my way down to 225lbs around 18% BF.. I was just wondering if you guys with more experience could offer me some tips.
I know a lot of people say your 2nd cycle is better than your 1st. I have a few questions:
1) When in a 500-1000 Kcal deficit how much will my STRENGTH & stamina be affected throughout the weeks(what to expect during my workouts)?
2) if at around 18-19% BF and with good diet and cardio.. How much BF% can one expect to lose while on a cutting cycle?
3) Increase in WEIGHT or STRENGTH? Do you gain any weight while on a cutting cycle.. If so do you keep it on?
4) When cutting should one lift HEAVY weight (5-8 reps) or Go for a higher rep range with less rest?
5) "Carbs".. Duh. So should one be minimizing this to just Pre & Post workout? Or something else?
6) While on cycle should I be able to see a loss of weight on the scales? Or just by getting my BF checked?
***I appreciate anyone who can offer some insight who has experience with cutting cycles.. Looking for that "I wish I would of known that back then" type of advise!
I plan on doing a 4-Day split:
Chest & Bicep
Back & Traps
Shoulders & Triceps
Rough diet:
Meal1: 3 yolks & 6 whites
Meal2: 6oz meat w/ spinach salad
Meal3: Protien Shake(blend)
Meal4: plain tuna on light WW bread
Meal5: 2scoops whey & oats
Meal6: 6oz meat & large serving broccoli..1tbls extra virgin olive oil(fry all together in pan)
Meal7: 1 scoop Casien shake.
18% BF
Bench: 380lbs
Squat: ? Bad knee
Thanks in advice for any help!
02-04-2012, 10:59 PM #2
**meal4: is Pre workout meal
**meal5: Post workout
And I plan on running just Sust 250.. 2x week. Was same as last cycle which I had great results with. Except last cycle at everything in could find.. And only did cardio for 10-15min for warm up..
I plan on stick with what I'm doing now 60min cardio 4x week with better diet.
02-04-2012, 11:01 PM #3
my advice. cutt more fat natty.
how old are u btw mate?
02-04-2012, 11:19 PM #4
Turning 26 soon
02-04-2012, 11:21 PM #5
I was going to cut natural for another 4 weeks and get down to 15% BF.. Then start running the Test.
.. Just looking for what some insight and knowledge from some experienced guys.
02-04-2012, 11:23 PM #6
Try researching a Clen /t3 cycle if you are trying to lose body fat and get cut
02-04-2012, 11:28 PM #7
I have looked, trying to stay away from Clen with hair loss issues.. And the only thing I can get is Test & Clomid/Novadex
02-04-2012, 11:34 PM #8
I'm not trying to get Shredded, more less looking to only put on at most 10lbs and lose a little bit of body fat. (overall look a little bit better)
I know its one or the other.
Would it be a waste to run the test with strict diet(deficit) and 60min cardio 4x week?
--Should I expect anything from this?
02-04-2012, 11:42 PM #9
wouldnt be a waste using test and strict diet by any means.
its ur call. just get the bf% a little lower first imho
where did u read about using sust 250 x2 a week ?
what is ur planned pct? are u running hcg ?
02-04-2012, 11:53 PM #10
I think looking through the forums Sust250 is a sold beginner cycle pinned Mon & Thur.. Had good results in my 1st cycle from it.
Clomid/Novadex for pct. <-- only things available to me.
Can anyone shed some light on what one might expect with Kcal deficit and lots of cardio..
Any weight gain from test or just loss of bodyfat?
Any Strength gains?
02-04-2012, 11:59 PM #11
strength, gains, fat loss no one can tell you. it will depend on how hard u work and how u respond.
yeah thats fine for pct how were u planning on dosing it?
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