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Thread: Before I Place My Order

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Before I Place My Order

    I just wanted to check up on my cutting cycle before I order it. Like always I want to make sure I have EVERYTHING before I start.
    I'm gonna be doing a tren/test/winny cycle for 14 weeks.
    Tren @ 80mg/d weeks 1-8
    Zambon Winny @ 50mg/d weeks 9-14
    Test Prop at 50mg/d weeks 1-14
    Clen - 2 weeks on alternating with an ECA for two weeks. I'll start at .04 mcg and work my way to .12mcg. This will go on for weeks 1-8. Weeks 9-14 will be a standard ECA stack.
    Arimidex at .5mg/ EOD weeks 1-14
    Clomid (see below)
    Bromo (see below)

    Few questions:
    1. When exactly should i start the clomid? My previous cycle of sus/eq, i started three weeks after, but these drugs are much more short lived.
    2. I guess I should get some bromo incase of the tren?
    3. Any ideas how I should change this at all?

    Thanks guys for all your input. I owe it to all of you for the success of my first cycle. I gained 30 pounds in 8 weeks!!! Thanks again!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    BC Canada
    I mostly like the cycle...

    To answer your questions first:
    1) Start taking the clomid approx 3 days after last shot.
    2) Bromo is a very good idea.

    How I'd change it:
    1) Frontloading does work, think about giving it a try.
    2) Consider bumping up the prop to 75mg ED.
    3) 14 weeks is getting pretty long for a tren-heavy cycle. Think about shortening the cycle or includeing some hCG at week #10 or so..

    1 last suggestion:
    Make sure you get your mg's and mcg's correct and you know your doseage. You should be pyramiding your clen up to 120mcg not .120mcg I think you know what the doseage is supposed to be, but mistakes like this can have drastic consequences.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002


    ya, sorry about the typos with the clen, that should read 40mcg and 120mcg, thanks for catching that.

    How much should i exactly frontload? When I was injecting eq and sus in my last cycle, i frontloaded so i got twice the juice in the first week. I don't think that's the same when injecting everyday.

    About the prop dosage, my main concern is the injecting everyday, which means i'm rotating six spots between my delts, quads, and glutes. The problem is, if I shoot 80mg (tren is 80mg/mL) and 50mg (prop is 100mg/mL) that's already 1.5cc shot. I thought you weren't supposed to shoot more than that in your shoulders. That's also the reason why the cycle was 14 weeks, once the tren was run, the winny could be shot everyday, but still keeping the shots to 1.5cc.

    Any suggestions???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Off The Deep End
    I dont see anything wrong your cycle it looks good. I think the arimidex is an added expense that probably isn't going to be necessary. The only thing it would aid in is combating any conversion from the prop which I think will be minimal at best. There certainly shouldn't be any water gain to speak of on this cycle so you wouldn't take the arimidex for that either. It certainly wont hurt to take it but at the price of arimidex I just think you could save the money...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Off The Deep End
    One other thing, front loading is a good idea in most cases but I think its pointless on this cycle. Prop and fina are both very fast acting and wouldn't require a front loaded cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by Boxer101
    One other thing, front loading is a good idea in most cases but I think its pointless on this cycle. Prop and fina are both very fast acting and wouldn't require a front loaded cycle.
    I was thinking the same thing, I dunno why Got Gear suggested frontloading.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    London Baby!
    I was always told to use Fina At the END of a cycle...not the beginning..

    Test Prop 1-14 75mg ED
    Tren 6-14 80mg ED
    Winny 10-14 50mg ED

    I hope you like needles. Definatly not for the faint of heart.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    London Baby!
    Also, Doing the cycle i suggested would allow you to go without HCG since you wont be coming off fina mid cycle. Lets hear some VET's on this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I'm no vet,but inclined.
    And just thoughts to ponder.
    You shouldnt need a-dex,there will be little bloat if any.And this does nothing for gyno.(incase your wondering)
    I would shorten the cycle to 10-12,this is a common length of time for most.
    Prop looks good
    Fina you could run front or end of cycle-Ive ran it 10wks straight and loved it.Run it atleast 8wks like you have it.
    Winny run atleast 6 wks to get moneys worth.
    have nolva on hand incase of gyno,and clomid for post.
    HCG-dont need only unless you run 14 wks or added a longer ester to the stack
    good luck
    Last edited by sphinks; 04-08-2003 at 09:50 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    bump for vets

    bump for any other vets out there!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Do you have Nolvadex?????
    My tits start to itch just looking at Prop. If you do not plan to use the armidex.....I would have plenty on nolva on hand just incase. 50mg/ed is not much I realize....I would bump that to 75mg ed. If this is your first cycle, then I would say 50mg prop/75mg tren.ed You will have good strength and wait gain
    Good Luck Brotha

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    There is nothing with running fina at the start of a cycle. There is no real need for HCG either, he is only running fina 8 wks. Nothing wrong with arimidex in there either, better to be safe than sorry although I would have opted for liquidex to save $. I'd bump the prop up to 75mg/ED though.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Whats tren do? Is there another name for it>?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by GetNBig
    Whats tren do? Is there another name for it>?
    Tren=Fina......Do you know what it does now?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2002


    Thanks guys for the help. This will be my second cycle. For those of you who recommended me bump the prop to 75mg/d, how would you rotate your injections sites? This is why i ask, i originally thought 50mg/d so the shot would be 1.5cc. Is 1.75cc too much for a delt injection?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Re: reply

    Originally posted by nmk85roll
    Thanks guys for the help. This will be my second cycle. For those of you who recommended me bump the prop to 75mg/d, how would you rotate your injections sites? This is why i ask, i originally thought 50mg/d so the shot would be 1.5cc. Is 1.75cc too much for a delt injection?
    I am running 1ml tren and 1.5ml of prop ed, this is how I rotate injection sites:

    Day 1) 2.5cc left quad
    Day 2) 2.5cc right quad
    Day 3) 2.5cc left glute
    Day 4) 2.5cc right glute
    Day 5) 1cc right delt, 1.5cc left delt (switch from left to right next rotation)
    Day 6) 1cc right bicep, 1.5cc left bicep (switch from left to right next rotation)

    My prop is 100mg/2ml so I have to inject 1.5cc for 75mg while you only need .75cc.... but mine is probably alot less painless.

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