Last edited by einar; 02-06-2012 at 05:55 PM.
You're not off to a good start, you should know "how to cycle this stuff" before you present a cycle. Edit the prices out of your post. What are your stats, goals & cycle history?
Welcome to the board mate!
Let's do this right, and get some information from you first, ok?
AGe = 25
weight = 85kg
BodyFat %?
years experience lifting this last time?
knowledge of diet and nutrition as it pertains to body building?
previous cycle experience besides the brief comment you made?
No worries about the english, but i do need to know the full stats on you before we go any further.
Fair enough?
ok bench p 105kilos squats 140 just started on squats agin becuas of my bad knees but i want to go to atleast 100kilos-120 and this is my second cycle but that was like 5years ago and went pritty bad alot of anger and this shit i got to my breasts hehe but i know i m ready for this know im in good mental state if i can say that. do you want to know anything else ??
ok thanks for the welcome and all that , my height is 186cm ca and i havent got my bodyfat checked but its some there for shore , but is running of after i got good contole over my diet and nutrition and my previus cycle was done whith an idiot that i trustit but after that expirion i would let him feed my dog becaus we did way to much and not right.. i have been lifting know for like 1-1/2 year know but constantly for a year but did just take my dieting seriusly for like 1-2 months and wow the difrens in just doing it right hehe but thats a difrent story, so i think im ready for this know..
yes i got a pritty good idea of how to cycle this but i just wanted to ask a pro who isint tryng to sell my any thing hehe u catch my drift better to be safe than sorry ,, but thanks for youre help boys
Mate,Originally Posted by einar;58***96
When Bear was asking your stats, he didn't mean how much you can lift. he meant what i already asked... height, weight, bodyfat%, years experience lifting.....
So if I correctly understand what you're posting, it sounds like you have some excessive body fat & an unresolved case of Gyno. Am I right?
We try to be pretty careful about giving out advice on taking steroids. It is the last thing to consider after your diet and routines are in check.
Maybe you should post your diet in the diet section, complete with TDEE, macros per meal and total macros. Some of our team will take a look and give you some honest feedback
Let me know if you need help finding your way around this place, ok?
my bad .. ill blame it on the translation and the language problem hehe
lol im not going to lie ,, youre totaly right
It's all good mate
Post up your diet and let's take a look. but do it in the nutrition section where the people that work on diet hang out
Sorry to critique your posts einar but correct me if i'm wrong. You said you been lifting for 1-1/2 years now but in an earlier post you said your first cycle was about 5 years ago?
hehe dont be sorry its all good, but yes thats tru i took a brake for a long while ,, so i probele wont be doing this untill after the surgery i orderd sum days back am i understanding you boys correctly
ok will defenetly do that thanks for youre time boys
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