google this for url...
American Underworld – Steroids – UGL! See what you injecting!!!!! stop to inject UGL
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American Underworld – Steroids – UGL! See what you injecting!!!!! stop to inject UGL
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sorry i make mistake..its why i didnt post url now.
but if you google it.i think you can fined it
I don't get it, whats the big deal? Its a video about a guy brewing steroids, what is so "OMFG" about it???
Dam that looks like one professional operation. I honestly don't see what the huge issue is.
There are some pretty nasty pictures on the 2nd video, they look like infections from someone who was too stupid to have a serious infection treated until it was so severe that it split flesh apart. I don't know what this scare tactic is all about, or more specifically what the original poster hopes to achieve in all of this, but it reminds me of someone who believes that they can get people to stop smoking by showing them pictures of a cancer-ridden lung post-mortem.
Also the English on this site is so horrendous that it's basically impossible to comprehend the message they are trying to convey.
"For the manufacturing required “vehicle” solution which is contains pharmaceutical parental-grade oil with excipients which are suppress bacteria
growth and enhances solubility of the API i.e. steroid ester as well as could suppress oxidation of the API."
I mean not only is the grammar horrible, but sentences like these fail to even make a statement. Wtf?
my favorite part of that video is when he flicks the pin when its all the way inside his ass and its just wobbling around, all I can about is a little razor inside his muscle just cutting that shit up
Did you see guys this 2 videos..OMFG can this really happen when you inject home made steroids????
In Australia their all home made. Find yourself a good source and stick with him. U get an infection go to dr and get antibiotics. Not that big a deal. Leave it then suffer the consequencesOriginally Posted by RonMo
You can get an infection from ANYTHING you inject, be it UGL or Pharm., it doesn't matter, what matters is making sure EVERYTHING you come into contact with while injecting, is sterile. And if you do get an infection, like Brian said, don't wait until its splitting the skin open to do something about it, treat it at first sign.
I like the clever editing when he talks about the "roid rage". "Don't touch it!"
The part on the steroids wasn't even disturbing. The home-brew meth lab using a bottle of gatorade was the disturbing one.
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