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Thread: New Cycle Critique / Advice

  1. #1

    New Cycle Critique / Advice

    Hey all, I'm hoping to get some solid advice on this. Been a bit since my last run (which was basically an HRT run from the doc).

    Here's my Stats:

    Age: 29
    Weight: 235
    BF%: 25%
    Lifting: Past 12 years consistently

    Cycle Thoughts:
    T300 or Test Prop - 600mg/wk Weeks 1 - 12
    Dbol or Anadrol - 50mg/day Weeks 1 - 4
    Novadex - ED Weeks 1 - 12
    PCT - Novadex & Clomid Weeks 14 - 19

    I'm torn between T300 and Prop. Prop will give the least water retention, but I'm not overly fond of the EOD injects. I like the 2x weekly of the t300, but have heard it's a bit of a painful shot. So I guess it's the lesser of two evils with that.

    I'm adding in the Dbol or Anadrol for strength gains. I ran dbol before and did well with it. Not sure if I wanna do the dbol or anadrol this go. Thoughts?

    The novadex I wanna run throughout the cycle and after because on my last go I did get a touch of gyno (not bad and it went away post cycle) but I want to nip that in the bud as soon as possible (pun intended! ha!)

    My main goal is to add strength. I've got some comps coming up (non-tested) and I want to really push to the next level. Overall size and muscle would be great as would some definition, but again, not my main focus for this go. Strength and Speed with massive weights are my main concern.

    Thanks for any help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    why nolvadex and not aromasin or adex as an a.i? I understand that aromasin would be a better choice for your concerns

    what doses are you planning for pct?

    personally I would try cut the b/f a bit before starting a cycle

    I dont know your weight classes but usually there is one in region of 200lbs and under? if you cut down to this im willing to bet you could keep alot of your strenght and be very competitive

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    As dan said about pct or nolva. You know nolva is a serm and not an ai?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Last edited by gearbox; 02-07-2012 at 10:24 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    sarm. Stupid phone..
    you had it right the first time lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Lol. My phone. Its so hard typing cause I lose the page and was not sure if I spelled it right. Watch me incase I kill myself or someone. Lol

  7. #7
    I'm not sure on the doses for PCT actually. I forgot to include that in my original post. I'm up for suggestions on that one

    I chose the nolvadex only due to availability. Not sure aromasin is available through my normal channels (not fishing...just explaining). I'll have to check as I think that would be better for my situation.

    I actually never thought about dropping weight. LOL My whole concern has always been just to go as heavy as I could, worry about body image later. I was in powerlifting for years and just made the switch to Strongman. BF% was never a huge concern of mine, but perhaps you are right.

    I'd really actually like to make a run at nationals next year or the year after, but would be competing against the heavy weights so for that I do know I need to up my weight...granted I WOULD much rather look like Marius than Zadrunus! LOL

    So would you suggest adding something or removing something for this run and then something different for a second run?

    Didn't mean for this to come off as a noob post, just been a while and my last run was basically just test....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Did you use an AI during your last cycle which resulted in gyno? If not Aromasin or Arimidex should serve you well. As for pinning, man, you just have to get over the notions of pain or frequent injections. It's a small price to pay for the results. And on that note I also would prefer pinning prop every other day (and even more preferably every day) for the sake of maintaining test levels throughout the cycle. And if you're trying to get the most strength and mass gains, I have found a new love in Anadrol just for that purpose, but I've also never used Dianobol. I'm just finishing the Anadrol portion of my current cycle, and I've found that 0.25mg of Arimidex every other day to be my "sweet spot".

  9. #9
    No, I didn't use any AI during my last cycle. Although I didn't really notice the gyno until after the cycle was over. But then again, the doc stopped my script without any PCT to speak of so that may have been part of the problem. I'm going to look into locating some Arimidex and run throughout the cycle. Here's the revamped version I'm thinking, and it's going to be mainly for Strength, if some size and fat loss come as well, then kudos to me! ha ha

    Test Prop - 600mg / wk (150mg EOD) Weeks 1 - 12
    Anadrol - 50mg/day Weeks 1 - 4
    Arimidex - .25mg EOD Weeks 1 - 12
    PCT - Nolvadex 50mg ED Weeks 13-17

    THanks for the advice and input everyone! I'll be starting the week after next and will post a before pic along with lift totals for a bench mark.

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