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Thread: do steroids shrink your dick ??????????????

  1. #1

    Exclamation do steroids shrink your dick ??????????????

    have never known a streight answer, but do steroids shrink your dick at all, i have a freind who used deca and recons that shrunk his cock ??? is this true.
    im planning on running deca next cycle with test but wont if it means taking a cm off ma dick !!

  2. #2
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    post proelia praemia
    to put it simply, no

    steroids may (deca will) shut down ur natty test which could in turn temporarily shrink ur balls

  3. #3
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    No, it doesn't shrink your dick. What shrinks are the testicles (balls), after an extended period of suppression. But it certainly does not shrink the dick. On the contrary, more testosterone should actually make your dick look bigger when limp.

  4. #4
    just what i thought mate. i hear deca shuts you down hard but people say its one of the safer steroids, thinking of using 500mg deca with 500mg sust a week, that should combat sides like deca dick etc yea ?

  5. #5
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    it should but everybody is different, some people can run high doses with little to no problems

    others experience problems at dose you stated

    what are your stats?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Lol no. steroids don't shrink your Dick

  7. #7
    Lol it mite look smaller if his legs got a lot larger...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    No, it doesn't shrink your dick. What shrinks are the testicles (balls), after an extended period of suppression. But it certainly does not shrink the dick. On the contrary, more testosterone should actually make your dick look bigger when limp.
    I've never heard nor experienced that.....???

    and to OP

    steroids do NOT shrink your penis
    nor will HGH make it larger

    the little guy just doesn't cooperate that way, unfortunately

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy6661 View Post
    just what i thought mate. i hear deca shuts you down hard but people say its one of the safer steroids, thinking of using 500mg deca with 500mg sust a week, that should combat sides like deca dick etc yea ?
    Maybe run a slightly higher dose of test then deca. To be safe you could get a prolactin inhibitor like prami or caber.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomt45 View Post
    Maybe run a slightly higher dose of test then deca. To be safe you could get a prolactin inhibitor like prami or caber.
    He's 21 and prob dosnt know the risks of the long term damage steroids and especially deca could do to him

    Thats why we ask for stats before advising

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Steroids shut down your natural testosterone which can result in small testicles, they don't shrink your penis but damaging your HPTA and having low test sure does make your penis go inverted and you could end up pissing on your hands.

  12. #12
    Read an article one time saying that people where using the Testosterone Creams to jerk off with, and swore it was making there Dick bigger lmao. I am searching for the article now...It was funny as hell.

  13. #13
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    Thanks dan! Maybe you should take a look at the damage steroids can do to a 21 year old. How old are you?

  14. #14
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    22 and your point is?

  15. #15
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    According to pubmed, "Steroids may cause penile reduction in males without a fully developed HPTA. Once the HPTA is fully developed, typically around the age of 25, this penile reduction no longer occurs."

    Guess you guys should wait unless you've got inches to give away..

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I've never heard nor experienced that.....???

    and to OP

    steroids do NOT shrink your penis
    nor will HGH make it larger

    the little guy just doesn't cooperate that way, unfortunately
    For some reason being on cycle always increases the size of my johnson while I'm limp to something close to the length and width that it is hard. Sorry for all the details guys but what the hell, I'm secure enough to talk about it openly, haha. I think it just has something to do with more testosterone floating around. Also, not sure why you brought up HGH, but the first 2 times I used HCG it made my dick significantly larger when hard (the 3rd time added just a little and that was the last time it changed me), and the increased girth ended up being permanent. Sadly I can no longer date women with a shallow cervix, but I would recommend HCG to any porn-industry hopefuls.

  17. #17
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    I have never had the balls issue but I know pleanty of guys that have. But it WILL not shirnk the cock. My cock gets stronger hard ons while on gear everytime. And yesh HGH will increase cock size as it increases everything.

  18. #18
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ifthatswhatittakes View Post
    I have never had the balls issue but I know pleanty of guys that have. But it WILL not shirnk the cock. My cock gets stronger hard ons while on gear everytime. And yesh HGH will increase cock size as it increases everything.

    No it doesnt ^^^

  19. #19
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Here is something to think about: if you are out of shape when you start this lifestyle, your penis WILL GET LARGER...sorta. I lost 40 pounds of fat last year, including a lot of fat on my pelvis. Losing that fat exposed more penis! So, there you go - a reason to lose that fat!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    According to pubmed, "Steroids may cause penile reduction in males without a fully developed HPTA. Once the HPTA is fully developed, typically around the age of 25, this penile reduction no longer occurs."

    Guess you guys should wait unless you've got inches to give away..

  21. #21
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    HGH won't increase cock size unless you were to take it during the prepubescent stage...meaning before puberty.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    HGH won't increase cock size unless you were to take it during the prepubescent stage...meaning before puberty.
    ....and you happen to know this because.....?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    HGH won't increase cock size unless you were to take it during the prepubescent stage...meaning before puberty.
    Please elaborate.....

  24. #24
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    because growth hormone before the onset of puberty has been known to increase penis size..length..but once puberty is's game over.
    sorta of the same with height growth hormone will make you taller...but once puberty is won't grow any taller... just more bone density.
    testosterone will do the same but it has to be before puberty.

    i read it long ago somewhere.

  25. #25
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    Your penis will look bigger coz your balls get smaller!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    because growth hormone before the onset of puberty has been known to increase penis size..length..but once puberty is's game over.
    sorta of the same with height growth hormone will make you taller...but once puberty is won't grow any taller... just more bone density.
    testosterone will do the same but it has to be before puberty.

    i read it long ago somewhere.
    not sure where to start here.... let's figure on the two types of GH you are referring to...

    HGH - Growth Hormone, and
    HGH - Height growth hormone

    hmmm..... well, to be honest, you are the first one I'm aware of that has suggested that there is a "height growth hormone" seperate from HGH - Human Growth Hormone....

    I'm sure you have some data to back up this assertion?

    has been known = hmmmmm (again). has been known by whom? let me ask the dumb question here. so you take HGH prepubescent, and your penis grows. How can you know it was attributable to the exogenous HGH taken, and not something it would have done normally on it's own? ALL dicks grow during the purberty transition!

    testosterone does the same? hmmm... (third time) really?

    You make some statements I'd really like to see backed up. Not because I'm doubting you. I'm sure you wouldn't have said it unless you could back it up.... please educate me!


  27. #27
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    the height growth hormone is a typo... what i mean is growth hormone will grow a person taller...length wise.
    They use to for those dwarf kids..dwarfism.. this help them grow in height.
    growth hormone happens in if they get some in synthetic form..they will grow...then they will have there normal growth hormone the one the body makes...
    i guess recorded data shows that the penis will grow when given GH before but not after puberty.
    testosterone has been known to do the same....let me see if i can find something to back up my claims.

  28. #28
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    check this out...the hormone therapy..

  29. #29
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    I read that a 10% DHT cream will make a penis grow. It's what transgender FTM use to turn clit into penis.
    Hell, I would try it if I could find it. Who couldn't use another inch
    Last edited by Coolhand5599; 02-07-2012 at 03:43 PM.

  30. #30
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    Ouch, there's a page I'd rather not see again, lol.

    But in all seriousness and lack of unnecessary sarcasm, isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) typically (more like almost always) results in a penile size deficit. In clinical studies, HGH treatment improved the growth of the genitalia and gonads in prepubertal boys at a very successful rate (18/20). These boys also grew up to have normal genitalia and gonads.

    I don't think you're going to have any luck finding studies where hGH was administered to boys with normal penile size, Times, but in the studies that have been done on boys with a IGHD, it is very obvious that hGH affects penis size in prepubescence. Adults that suffered from IGHD grew up to have subnormal sized genitalia and gonads. Had they been administered with hGH before puberty, they wouldn't have grown up to be moderators. Just joking

    PMID: 6406387 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    Ouch, there's a page I'd rather not see again, lol.

    But in all seriousness and lack of unnecessary sarcasm, isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) typically (more like almost always) results in a penile size deficit. In clinical studies, HGH treatment improved the growth of the genitalia and gonads in prepubertal boys at a very successful rate (18/20). These boys also grew up to have normal genitalia and gonads.

    I don't think you're going to have any luck finding studies where hGH was administered to boys with normal penile size, Times, but in the studies that have been done on boys with a IGHD, it is very obvious that hGH affects penis size in prepubescence. Adults that suffered from IGHD grew up to have subnormal sized genitalia and gonads. Had they been administered with hGH before puberty, they wouldn't have grown up to be moderators. Just joking

    PMID: 6406387 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
    smart ass!

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    smart ass!
    Haha, just poking fun!

  33. #33
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    Ive been told a 9 oz steak always looks big to 2 small red potatoes...

    Lol I notice an increase of size while on roids, girls are the first one to have this misconception until you prove them wrong

  34. #34
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    Funny how some people dismiss things they do not know. I get the feeling that some people on this site feel they know everything. And what they don't know isn't worth knowing

  35. #35
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    Historically..... when people post claims on this forum they also post up studies or scientific papers to show their point. Ofcoarse this isn't necessary for a lof of things but i'd like to think that if you seriously post that 10% DHT cream will increase your dick size with a certain degree of confidence...... then you'd atleast post up a study to back that up. If not.... you may get ribbed a bit by people who don't believe it.

    Thats what makes this forum great..... we try to eliminate the "broscience" here.....


  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy6661 View Post
    have never known a streight answer, but do steroids shrink your dick at all, i have a freind who used deca and recons that shrunk his cock ??? is this true.
    im planning on running deca next cycle with test but wont if it means taking a cm off ma dick !!
    No they make it bigger

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Historically..... when people post claims on this forum they also post up studies or scientific papers to show their point. Ofcoarse this isn't necessary for a lof of things but i'd like to think that if you seriously post that 10% DHT cream will increase your dick size with a certain degree of confidence...... then you'd atleast post up a study to back that up. If not.... you may get ribbed a bit by people who don't believe it.

    Thats what makes this forum great..... we try to eliminate the "broscience" here.....

    I have read some studies, you can google it. I don't care that much to go through the trouble, I don't think that would change tha afitude any. I reasonably have no experience with it. But I have gotten my penis to grow over an inch through a good PE routine. I was in my mid 30s at the time. I am happy with it now, but if I could get another easy inch with a cream I would do it. I just can't find any and I don't care that much about it to ask a Dr.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Coolhand5599 View Post
    I have read some studies, you can google it. I don't care that much to go through the trouble, I don't think that would change tha afitude any. I reasonably have no experience with it. But I have gotten my penis to grow over an inch through a good PE routine. I was in my mid 30s at the time. I am happy with it now, but if I could get another easy inch with a cream I would do it. I just can't find any and I don't care that much about it to ask a Dr.
    Tie a piece of twine around the little guy, tie the other end to the dogs collar, now throw his favorite ball across the PE, no creams, 100% FREE!

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Tie a piece of twine around the little guy, tie the other end to the dogs collar, now throw his favorite ball across the PE, no creams, 100% FREE!
    No pain, no gain.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79
    Tie a piece of twine around the little guy, tie the other end to the dogs collar, now throw his favorite ball across the PE, no creams, 100% FREE!
    What type of dog do you recommend for maximun legnth?
    What If I'm just looking for an inch or so?

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