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Thread: New cycle - advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    tempe, az

    New cycle - advice

    I have not used a cycle in 5 years and I would like to get back into the game.

    Here's my Stats:

    Age: 35
    Height: 6'1
    Weight: 218
    BF%: 18%
    Lifting: consistently since I was 21
    I have used multiple cycles from mostly sustanon based cycles....259 was my biggest I have ever been I got that from sustanon, deca, dbol and insulin. I would like to return to that weight or bigger. I started mma years ago and lost a lot of weight since I would fight at 205.

    Cycle 1
    Week 1-12 - 100mgs/ test prop EOD
    Week 1-10 - 75mgs/ tren A EOD

    pct would be HCG or the nolva/clomid thing for four weeks.

    Cycle 2
    Week 1-15 750mgs/ test enanthate per week
    Week 1-4 30mgs/ dbol per day
    Week 1-10 - 75 mgs/ tren A EOD

    pct would be the same as above.

    Now my question which one of these cycles in your opinion if I worked out like a beast and ate right would help me gain the most weight back?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I am no expert on roids as I am currently on my first cycle, but it's no doubt if you ate like a beast you'd gain your weight back, just make sure you put thought to it. For example, you want to make sure you gain muscle, not fat. At 18% BF you could probably tweak your diet a bit before you got on cycle again.

    Will be interesting to see a discussion on this post. Have you done much reading on this forum? Why have you chosen your PCT like you have? You seem to have a fair bit of experience on the forums here with 300+ posts.

    I am interested to know why you'd go HCG in PCT?

    Again, I am no expert, but I am interested in seeing how this thread goes
    Last edited by NotConvincedYet; 02-07-2012 at 08:26 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    tempe, az
    To be honest I guessed at the am probably way lower but I dont have the stuff to check it at my **** it and spit ball it.
    I know about the stuff I have used before and was planning on doing the same cycle till I started reading about Tren A in the steroid profile section and it really caught my eye. I was thinking HCG or the clomid, I threw in HCG because back in the day a lot of people use to shoot that stuff at 1500 - 5000ius a week for a couple weeks as a pct. I have never used it, I have used clomid every time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    u dont want to use hcg during your pct. either run it throughout the cycle at a low dose (250iu twice a week) or blast it at 1000iu at the end of your cycle before you start your pct.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by loki_is_a_god View Post
    To be honest I guessed at the am probably way lower but I dont have the stuff to check it at my **** it and spit ball it.
    I know about the stuff I have used before and was planning on doing the same cycle till I started reading about Tren A in the steroid profile section and it really caught my eye. I was thinking HCG or the clomid, I threw in HCG because back in the day a lot of people use to shoot that stuff at 1500 - 5000ius a week for a couple weeks as a pct. I have never used it, I have used clomid every time.
    HCG is best used while on cycle up until pct or at a higher dose the last few weeks of cycle up until pct. The pct you have chosen clomid/nolva are good just move that HCG.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    tempe, az
    Thanks guys I was just miss informed on the HCG thing.....*kicking it out the window*

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by loki_is_a_god View Post
    Thanks guys I was just miss informed on the HCG thing.....*kicking it out the window*
    Don't kick it just move it because it's great stuff and really helps the boys

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