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Thread: 2 wks in first cycle, Now a job offer..Should i worry about drugtest?

  1. #1

    2 wks in first cycle, Now a job offer..Should i worry about drugtest?

    This could be the worst question in the world, but honestly im a tad nervous. I am 2 weeks in my first cycle of test enanth. and got offered my career job ive been waiting on for about 3 years now (firefighting). Now ive heard they dont specifically test for steroids but when they do my blood work with my levels being high shoot up a red flag? If any of you have been in this situation or know anything about it, please shoot me some advice. Should i stop cycle? keep going?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia

    this thread should help, couple years old but I doubt its changed, it costs far too much for them to test for steroids

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    On the Moon
    Firstly don't worry I honesty dont think they will test for AAS, my thoughts are based on the thread DanB linked. Are you in the US? My friend is UK service and said he has never been tested, Its just too expensive mate

    With regards to the heightened test count I doubt it will raise any concern as this will be a general heath check and not linked to the drugs test. ie the drugs test will be done in house and the medical test done by your GP. This is my understanding on how these things work but maybe different.

    1. How long until you have bloodworks done?
    Last edited by xo3et; 02-08-2012 at 09:20 AM.

  4. #4
    xo3et, I am in the US, and they havent given me a bloodwork date but if i had to guess it would be in about 2 weeks..Dan, I just read the link you sent me, thanks alot! It helped

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Where they take my ass
    Quote Originally Posted by Braves90488
    This could be the worst question in the world, but honestly im a tad nervous. I am 2 weeks in my first cycle of test enanth. and got offered my career job ive been waiting on for about 3 years now (firefighting). Now ive heard they dont specifically test for steroids but when they do my blood work with my levels being high shoot up a red flag? If any of you have been in this situation or know anything about it, please shoot me some advice. Should i stop cycle? keep going?
    If its just a regular pee test then no. aas doesn't show up on those ones for weed and other drugs. A for the bloodwork i'm pretty sure they still have specifically look for aas
    Last edited by Armykid93; 02-08-2012 at 12:30 PM.

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