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Thread: First Cycle Thoughts

  1. #1

    First Cycle Thoughts

    How it going guys new to the thread. Ok straight to business okay I'm 21 year old natty BB been lifting for 4 years know. I know body and nutrition I've hung out with a few pros they took me under their wing. I want to start juicing I've been planing it since I was 17 I'm 21 now I'm tired of being natural it's so boreing and takes to long to recover. I my goal is to be 205-225 ripped depends how it looks on my frame. My questions are how often can you cycle a year? And can you run 200-300ml of test year long? Is that healthy?
    And how long dose gains last?

    You can't see my abs right now but since imaging to hit a cycle whats gonna happen since my BF is high right now? Will I shred up or bulk up I'm trying to get lean. Should I eat clean and do cardio while I'm on the cycle or Wait after?
    Cycle I'm thinking of
    1-6 weeks 50ml Dbol
    1-12 500mls Test
    13-15 off
    18-19 Pct

    Anyways guys give your advice I'm open to constructive criticism I'm ready for it.

    20% BF
    Arms: 18
    Legs : 27
    Calves: 15

    Max bench 365x2
    Max squat 500x2
    Max dead 500x2

  2. #2
    I can't post pics I'm on my cell phone i don't have a laptop. But I can email you guys the pics if you want them. 5'10 245 all natural I'm pretty big.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Those are some good numbers especially at 21. I'll be honest and tell you that you can achieve your goals without aas. And introducing aas at your age you could do damage to your HPTA and it simply isn't worth it. Especially with the cycle and PCT you posted. Stay natural for 4-5 more years and then maybe consider aas. You don't want to go down that road just yet.

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