Crazy question I know but I was just curious and didn't seem to have an answer to this one. I am 43 years old with a full thick head of hair. No one in my family is bald. My father is 73 and still has a full head and both my grandfathers had hair. God rest their souls. My question is if a person is not prone to balding can he still lose his hair from AAS?
I have done a previous cycle of Test Cyp of 500mg a week and noticed shedding. Nothing major but shedding nonetheless. When I finished my PCT the shedding stopped. 2 weeks ago I started taking Saw Palmetto at 640mg a day and using Nizoral 1% shampoo and I have seen tremendous results. Hair seems to be getting thicker and shedding is almost non existent. This leads me to believe that even though I am not prone to male pattern baldness a person can still lose it from AAS. I hope I am wrong and its all in my head because I would like to do another cycle but.......and only but....if my hair is not collateral damage.
Am I right on this one? Can a person who is not prone to balding still lose his hair from AAS?