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Thread: Balding does not run in family. Will I still lose my hair fom test?

  1. #1

    Balding does not run in family. Will I still lose my hair fom test?

    Crazy question I know but I was just curious and didn't seem to have an answer to this one. I am 43 years old with a full thick head of hair. No one in my family is bald. My father is 73 and still has a full head and both my grandfathers had hair. God rest their souls. My question is if a person is not prone to balding can he still lose his hair from AAS?

    I have done a previous cycle of Test Cyp of 500mg a week and noticed shedding. Nothing major but shedding nonetheless. When I finished my PCT the shedding stopped. 2 weeks ago I started taking Saw Palmetto at 640mg a day and using Nizoral 1% shampoo and I have seen tremendous results. Hair seems to be getting thicker and shedding is almost non existent. This leads me to believe that even though I am not prone to male pattern baldness a person can still lose it from AAS. I hope I am wrong and its all in my head because I would like to do another cycle but.......and only but....if my hair is not collateral damage.

    Am I right on this one? Can a person who is not prone to balding still lose his hair from AAS?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Of course they can, also just because it doesn`t run in the family doesn`t mean it can`t start suddenly with you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    Look at your mothers side of the family. Mpb runs there. Also it may be due to other factors not associated with mp . Ie I don't have mpb in the family but I ran winny and I def have the genes

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    It really depends on your genetics, and as in anything in life, it will be a toss of the dice. the men on my mom's side are balding, the men on my dads side not. my brother is bald. I'm 50, trt, and haven't lost a hair on my head since i had it cut off in the army many moons ago. (means i have a full head of hair)

    ....sometimes ya just gotta make that leap of faith?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Good post, I was wondering the same thing. How much shedding did you have?

    My two concerns about my first cycle will be acne, and hair loss. Tell tail signs!

    We will see if my wife notices anything when I start! (I'm not telling her)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel
    Run the appropriate drugs with it and you should be fine, advodart, minoxidile and spiro

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    The whole 'mothers side' theory has long since been proved to be a myth. You won't suddenly wake up with a slaphead anyway, it will fall out gradually and you will notice it if you start seeing a bit more hair than usual in your hands/in the sink when washing. If so then run the appropriate preventative medications.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel
    I got some good ideas from this thread
    Seems to work

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    Quote Originally Posted by guitario View Post
    The whole 'mothers side' theory has long since been proved to be a myth. You won't suddenly wake up with a slaphead anyway, it will fall out gradually and you will notice it if you start seeing a bit more hair than usual in your hands/in the sink when washing. If so then run the appropriate preventative medications.
    its on the x chromosome... please share where you learned that bit of info

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by redz
    Of course they can, also just because it doesn`t run in the family doesn`t mean it can`t start suddenly with you.
    True Redz, I'm balding from roids and it don't run in my family.. It's thin but maybe a few more cycle it will be shaving time lol

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by guitario
    The whole 'mothers side' theory has long since been proved to be a myth. You won't suddenly wake up with a slaphead anyway, it will fall out gradually and you will notice it if you start seeing a bit more hair than usual in your hands/in the sink when washing. If so then run the appropriate preventative medications.
    Plus I lost 200 strains of hair one time for about 2 weeks, yes I counted one day, and freaked out was out on propicia but didn't work...
    Now it's more like 6-10 hairs a shower which my dermatologist states is normal..

    What shampoo can you use??

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Dmitri Diablo View Post
    Good post, I was wondering the same thing. How much shedding did you have?

    My two concerns about my first cycle will be acne, and hair loss. Tell tail signs!

    We will see if my wife notices anything when I start! (I'm not telling her)
    I started shedding in my 4 to 5th week. I noticed alot more hairs in my brush and sink but most of all everytime I showered I ran my fingers through my hair and came up with some in my hands. That's when I knew something was wrong. I always have had very thick black coarse hair (from my Italian and Spanish genes) and noticed it getting thinner and softer. I have done a pro hormone cycle since then and have had no problems. Is the test cyp the culprit? I would guess so. That first test cycle really changed my life. I was able to get back in shape and look better now physically than in any other period of my life. My wife loves the new me and I love looking buff in a tight t-shirt so of course I don't want to stop cold turkey just yet but I want to keep my hair. Its a toss up whether to risk it or not. If I knew I would lose it then hell yeah its on! Heck minus well be bald but jacked up right?

    As for the acne that was another issue. I got acne on my upper body. (back, chest, shoulders) and on my upper neck. It was like I was sixteen years old again! But the biggest side I got I will post in another thread.

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