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Thread: First cycle help, please!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canada, Alberta

    First cycle help, please!

    I am new to this board, but I see that there are many knowledgeable people on here, thus I have a question that I hope some of you may be able to answer.

    First I will give you my details. I am 28 years old, have been training for about a two years. I am 5' 8" about 140lbs and my bf% is about 6%. I have decided to use some things to help me bulk up. My goals are to gain some weight, but quality weight.

    Initially I was only going to use Dbol, but after researching, I have now decided to use an injection as well. I have been running pink dbol for about two weeks now, taking a dose of 25mg a day. My strength and weight have gone up considerably.

    My question to you people is this, is it okay for me to introduce an injectible into my system now, considering I have been on dbol for 2 weeks. I have bought enough test enanthate to last for about 8 weeks. How many mg's would be sufficient enough for me to see some decent quality gains if I am stacking dbol. Is there another steroid that would have been more beneficial to me than the test? I am also going to be running clomid post cycle.

    Any and all help would be appreciated, thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    I personally think you should have already started the test with the dbol and run it at 400-500mg/week. discontinue the dbol in 2 weeks. I suggest having a better planned cycle before you start next time. good luck though

  3. #3
    I would add some test. You could add Test E right now and continue the dbol for another 3-4 weeks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canada, Alberta
    I know that for sure, I should have planned it better. To be honest I was totally against the injections, due to fear of needles. I have since toughened up and realized what essentially needed to be done. I initially was only going to run dbol and nothing else, eventhough I had heard of the negative of running just an oral. I was very stubborn then.

  5. #5
    dont make the mistake of just getting your hands on a cylce of gear and taking it asap. It's 100 times better to hold off until you can get a good cycle that will consist of more than 1 item. it's better to take 2 or more things at the same time than to run something all by itself. Don't make the same mistake i made and take dbols by itself. you will lose almost everything you gain while you're on it. Although i am relatively new to the forums, my best advice is to hang around and do your homework. Read the boards frequently and research andything that might interest you. The best thing about the site is the knowledge you will retain in the long run. Once you're wise, you will be able to make the correct decisions on what aas you will use. if you need help, just hit another post and you'll usually find your answers relatively quickly.

    *just my 2cents*

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canada, Alberta
    I have been reading the posts and researching this site for a couple of months. I just never thought that I would want to do a cycle for a while. I searched the forums, but there was not many subjects that were similar to mine. Thus, I decided to post my own. Thanks for all the help people.

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