I am new to this board, but I see that there are many knowledgeable people on here, thus I have a question that I hope some of you may be able to answer.
First I will give you my details. I am 28 years old, have been training for about a two years. I am 5' 8" about 140lbs and my bf% is about 6%. I have decided to use some things to help me bulk up. My goals are to gain some weight, but quality weight.
Initially I was only going to use Dbol, but after researching, I have now decided to use an injection as well. I have been running pink dbol for about two weeks now, taking a dose of 25mg a day. My strength and weight have gone up considerably.
My question to you people is this, is it okay for me to introduce an injectible into my system now, considering I have been on dbol for 2 weeks. I have bought enough test enanthate to last for about 8 weeks. How many mg's would be sufficient enough for me to see some decent quality gains if I am stacking dbol. Is there another steroid that would have been more beneficial to me than the test? I am also going to be running clomid post cycle.
Any and all help would be appreciated, thank you.