Could i inject test prop with a .5 29g insulin syringe into delt?
Could i inject test prop with a .5 29g insulin syringe into delt?
i wouldnt. just order the correct pins
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
No way you could push the oil through a 29 gauge. It's hard enough with a 25gauge.
Not to mention 1" length is needed for Delts unless your bodyfat is really low
23's work wonderfully with an 18 to draw. You're going to be sitting there for a while trying to push it with that small of a needle...
Maybe it would just magically appear. Even if he could draw it up I would say the plunger would snap with the pressure needed to push down on it. I use 25 gauge and it's already pretty hard.
Not to mention the length of the needle isn't long enough
Toss that crap out and get 1.5 for glute 1 for everywhere else. Safest best. Some run 5/8 but still. As stated meant for IM so get it in the muscle nice and deep. U dont want to barely penetrate the muscle
I push oil through a 29 gauge, but it's a trt amount not the amount for AAS use. Maybe the smallest you can go is 25 gauge and by 1 inchOriginally Posted by Dr Pepper
U can push oil threw it. Probably fall asleep by time u emptied the damn syringe though
its not that bad. my buddy uses slin pins when he injects prop in his bicep and tricep. You can absolutely use slin pins for that. he only does .25cc in each. pull the plunger out the back of the slin pin. draw up in a regular syringe then squirt the test into the back of the slin pin. put plunger back. flip upside down, get air out, and do normal injection. Its slower, but for hitting your biceps or triceps its very useful. If you are doing your delt, just do a 25g 1"
Last edited by OnTheSauce; 02-09-2012 at 05:46 PM.
i use slin pin for biceps and triceps. not lean enough for delts yet. using a slin pin is very fast. faster then a 25 gauge. as patrick said. draw with normal syringe. pull out the plunger of slin pin. fill it put plunger back in flip upright, push air through before u inject and slam slin pin into skin. very easy. just gotta make sure u push the sucker into your skin hard to get nice in there. with slin pin no oil or blood comes out after injection. but i agree with everyone else. just use 25g 1" for delts. shoot on a angle u dont feel much.
edt- if u decide to try this with biceps/triceps. dont shoot more then .75 of a cc or u will be hurting for days. even at .75 i still feel it for a day or two. sucks when u cant move ur arms due to both biceps and triceps being sore from too much oil
Last edited by markdbg; 02-09-2012 at 06:08 PM.
The only way you might be able to get it through the needle is to get it hot under the faucet! Stick to a 23 to pin and 18 to draw! I still heat mine up because it seems to go faster!
Last edited by MASTERMIKE 48; 02-09-2012 at 06:44 PM.
Seems like more of a pain in the ass to do w a slin pin... I agree 100% w gix. 1 in gets the job done just fine.
23 or 25 gauge is just fine. I feel nothing
Could I use .5 for bis ? Edit : I'm a lean 7% bf. there is virtually no fat on my arms
should be fine.
I put over 2.5cc's in my tri's regularly with 25g 1" pins, no reason to use slin pins. Man up bro!
That's some funny sh#T...I would never even think about doing thatOriginally Posted by c-Z
If you heat the vial, yea it can be done with no problem. I've had quite a few patients pleased with this technique (for trt)
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