Hello all,
I have grown frustruated with the Dr's I have been dealing with and need some advice. Background:
44 yr old, train regularly. (4 days / week mix of cardio and weight training)
6'0, 199 lbs, b/f ranges between 13% and 15% depending on those "life" factors.
In 2003 had vasectomy after last child was born. Urologist ran labs and said "OH MY GOD"..my test levels were in the upper 190 range. He recommended test cyp 200mg/week injections which I began. Levels were then in the 600-700 range and feeling good. Got into the best shape I have ever been 203 lbs 9% bodyfat and in April 2004 got hit from behind at a red light.
Radial nerve damage, back issues, (and associated Oxycodone issues) you know the drill. Took approx 3 years to get to the point where I was able to get back into gym regularly. During that time I was on/off the test as I was starting to notice gyno like symptoms and I had no estrogen blocker/inhibitor or HCG at all. Testicles started to hurt, atrophy and I KNEW something was not right. Kept informing my Urologist, asked about estrogen blockers / HCG and his response was "I dont know anything about that..heres more testosterone".
Found a local "rejuvenation" clinic. Guy was great...KNEW his stuff...kept me on the test cyp but added HCG and nolvadex. WORKED VERY WELL...then the feds shut this place down back in 07/08...apparently he could not help selling to 17 yr old high schoolers..oh well.
At that point, I said "F...this" and stopped everything. Horrible decision. Felt 100 years old..exhausted...no energy to train...god dam wtf is happening to me. EVERYONE was worried..myself included.
More labs after stopping entirely had total test in the 190 range, fsh/lh at the lowest end of range but within normal. PSA was within normal range. Basically, my body just does not produce enough naturally so......
Sept 2011 back to another clinic that specializes in Hormone repla***ent therapy.
Labs: total test 207; LH 2.4 (report shows baseline low at 1.5)..no FSH on this report and everything else is within normal range.
They have me on Test cyp 200mg/week; anastrazole 1mg/3 times / week; HCG 30iu/twice per week.
Results today: Feel much better..training again...back into real good shape but I am finding that I am much 'softer' if that makes any sense. The old 'hardness' I used to enjoy is gone. this may simply be a function of age..not sure. I asked the clinic about oral anavar and/or some other non aromatizing agent...."WE DO NOT RECOMMEND THAT" was the only response I was able to get.
SORRY for the lengthy post but I figured those willing to take time to read would need this info to make suggestions.
1) Should I consider adding a non-testosterone (winstrol/anavar..etc) to assist with the hardness I am looking for?
2) Is anastrazole alone enough? Remember..there is NO PCT with me...my levels have never tested in normal range since I started getting labs so I either stay on this course or feel like grandpa..and grandpa feeling SUCKS
Recommendations/suggestions would be appreciated.