Need advice for my friends! Hcg only pct...?
Hey guys currently I am on no cycle and cutting with no aid at all so don't think that this is one of those my friend is me type of things lol. Here's the thing I have many friends that do steroids and it interests me. I read on it a lot. I have one friend that's a body builder. He competes and he wins! He is a big lean beast lol. He has gave two of my friends advice on pct that through my research I sort of disagree... Now there getting advice from me who's currently at 5'11" 180 lbs with 15 % bf and there getting advice from a bodybuilder who's probably 5'9" 220lbs and probably 8% bf. So we know who's advice there going to take lol. So I need to hear some other opinions so I can either help my friends or if what there doing is fine then leave them the eff alone lol.
Ones on a cycle of test cypionate and deca . The other is on a test prop and tren ace cycle . Both I think are doing 12 weeks.
The bodybuilder told them for pct they should pin hcg every day for 20 days.
Everything I've read says do the hcg during cycle then do clomid and nova for pct .
Is the 20 day hcg pct a good or atleast good enough pct ? Seems like an odd pct to me but hey I'm not a bodybuilder I just read some stuff.
Thanks guys.