Hello all, First Ill give you some of my background before I talk about the cycle I am considering. I am 235 lbs, 6'1" 21 years old. I've been working out since I was 15 years old non stop. Kept with the lifestyle all these years with the longest break from the gym being a month and a half! My bench started out when I was 15 years old at 95 lbs once barely. within the first two years my bench went up to 315 lbs 3 times. I stagnated at 315 lbs for 3 years and within the past year my bench is now 345 lbs once, twice with a spot. When I received my most gains within the first two years of working out were mainly due to diet my first year and prohormones my second year. The best thing I took was a product called Testadrol 50, which if researched is supposidly a combination of superdrol, dianabol precursor, and a form of oral trenbolone(I researched it a few days ago and they say in pill form it is two molecules away from trenbolone and your body converts it into trenbolone after it passes the liver). Anyways, on testadrol 50 I took it in a pyramid schedule as one of my sources recommended me to do, 1 pill all the first week, 1 pill one day 2 pill the next day trading off the next week, and 2 pills a day the third week, and then 1 2 1 2 1 2 the 4th week and 1 1 1 1 1 the 5th week and then a pct. My bench went from 275 lbs barely twice to 315 lbs 3 times, and it became obvious to people that I was "on something."
So that is some background to what I have done. In the past 4 years I have not taken anything! Right now I have no pains/pulled muscles, In very good health, hitting the gym 5 times a week very heavy.
Im looking to start back on a cycle and try to get my bench as close to 405 lbs as possible if not 405 lbs! I was looking at either taking anadrol or dianabol or both at the same time with a low dosage. I want to stay away from injectables for now. Basically if I can get to my goal without injectables I am going to go that route even if it takes me a little longer.
here is what I am looking at doing
Anadrol 50mg for 6 weeks and pct for 4 weeks after
Dianabol 30-40mg for 6 weeks and pct for 4 weeks after
Anadrol 30mg and dianabol 10mg for 6 weeks and pct for 4 weeks after
I read somewhere that dianabol and anadrol use separate biological pathways so they can be used together at low dosages to further prevent side effects and have a synergistic effect in the body.
For a pct I was looking at Clomid, Nolva, HCGenerate and Forma-stanzol. Not sure on what dosages I should use and which ones I should combine and use for a PCT.
So let me know which steroid cycle I should chose for the most strength gains and which pct combination/dosage I should chose to retain the most, if not all strength/mass. Again I will say I am 235 lbs with about 15-20~% body fat and i am currently not looking to cut but to build strength and size. Also are these dosages proportional for a 235 lbs male?
I really appreciate the help and advice.