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Thread: Sus250 and Parabolan should anything else be added to the stack or left like this?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Gold Coast, Australia

    Sus250 and Parabolan should anything else be added to the stack or left like this?

    Hi im 6"0 bf bout 9% weigh 86kgs Ive done about 3 cycles Sus and dbol, prope dbol, Test prope and Tren Ace etc.Ive got 3 10ml vials of sus 250, 1 which is made up of 1mls amps of sus and I have 3 10ml vials of legit tren hex/ parabolan 100mg per ml. This was all purchased from thailand by my best mate not long ago so i know it is real shit. Anyway im liking the ridiculous lean phsyique type but i know im too small too cut so i want to put on some hectic size. Ive been training for 5 years i train hard would like to compete maybe next yr so yeh its mass time. Im planning to run the sus and para over 12 weeks running the 1mls in the middle there as i heard they are stronger being generic or something using hcg 2weeks before starting pct and nolvadex and clomid coming off.Should i leave the cycle how it is or is there something you guys recommend adding in there i was gunna go anapolan buuuut i know the sides are gunna kick my ass. I wanna do this cycle right its my longest cycle and im hoping to use my newer knowledge of dieting and new training routines to hit this perfectly. Should i eat super clean on this and train insane heavy?What should i add to this cycle?Cheers

  2. #2

    winny, winny, winny

    If you are still asking, go easy on the sus, or better yet, replace with low doses of prop, and definitely add 50 mg of Winstrol every other day! Just eat decent, and you will get shredded with the highest quality size you have ever seen. Just finished this stack.

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