I was at the bar and talking with a kid I know. He then told me of a bodybuilder that was squating a ton of weight. And he somehow flexed his abs and ripped his asshole about the size of a grape fruit and that his intestines where hanging out of his ass. He said the guy had to have the spotters grab the weight off of him as he waited in the squat position for the EMT's to help him. And they had no idea even what to do. He also told me that there was a pic of it with the email explaining the story, he got. He offered to send it to me, but I declined, it just sounded too damn gross for me. I thought he was kidding me until the next day I was talking to another buddy of mine and he said he heard about it too. I will never squat again, I think I will stick to leg presses. This story makes the guys that blow their knees out, thankful.