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Thread: My first cycle :)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    My first cycle :)

    Hello all,

    I'd like to just start by thanking everyone that contributes to this wonderful forum. I have learned very much from alot of you on this site, thank you for sharing your knowlege with the rest of us.

    I am def new to the AAS world. I have done a very fair amount of research. First here's some of my information/stats: I have been weight lifting for several years. I lifted in high school while playing football for 2 years, then quit after a knee injury that occurred on the field and didn't get back into lifting until i was 21, made some great gains in the first year was very serious for about 18 mos then fall off again. Anyways I'm back into lifting for the last 10 months. I have made some very good gains and my diet has been spot on. So there's my lifting history.

    Stats: 24yr old male, 225-228 lbs, 16% bf, 6'4" tall

    My order will be here in a couple weeks, it's a very reliable source. I ordered 20cc of test cyp 200, 100 x 20mg dbol tabs, 50 x 1mg armidex tabs, 2000iu HCG and 200 x 20mg Nolvadex tabs.

    My plan was as follows, please any suggestions for changes or better more beneficial ways to run this cycle are greatly appreciated:

    Weeks 1-4: Dbol 20mg ed
    Weeks 1-12: Test C 300mg/wk
    Weeks 1-15: Arimidex .25mg eod (will adjust accordingly if necessary)
    Weeks 5-12: HCG 125iu twice a week

    I then planned on taking nolva 40/40/20/20, 18 days after my last pin. Should i add clomid to this? Should i just purchase ar-r's liquid clomi? Also should I just take the arimidex through pct? Or up until pct then stop arimidex? Sorry if these are dumb questions as i said I am new to these compounds.

    It's a very mild cycle; i'm a beginner and want to be cautious and safe and use this first cycle to help learn how my body will react. And again seriously thank you to everyone that add to this forum and thank you in advance for any assistance with this process I really do appreciate it. It's alot more comforting going into something like this with a forum like this here to help aid, i take these compounds very seriously and am proceeding with caution and plenty of research.

  2. #2
    Drop the dbol and increase test to 500 mg/wk.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    Drop the dbol and increase test to 500 mg/wk.
    that's it? pretty informative. if i were to do that would my ai doses be the same? pct doses the same? hcg doses differ? etc. please i welcome all opinions with some level of knowledge or detailing but this post here isn't really helpful at all

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by TraPump View Post
    that's it? pretty informative. if i were to do that would my ai doses be the same? pct doses the same? hcg doses differ? etc. please i welcome all opinions with some level of knowledge or detailing but this post here isn't really helpful at all
    Lose the attitude. Sorry for being short winded. First cycle should be one compound. That way you can nail down the exact cause of any side effects. That information becomes valuable in future cycles.

    The reason for upping the test to 500mg/wk is because I wouldn't shut down my endogenous test for such a low dose.

  5. #5
    HCG looks reasonable, I do 250iu 2x. Pct looks good. Clomid is up to you. I prefer nolva only. You may find .25adex eod is too much.

  6. #6
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    Feb 2012
    Thank you very much xenalga. That makes plenty of sense. I appreciate the assistance. I will experiment with the arimidex to see if the dose needs to be changed. What are some signs that I am over dosing with amiridex while cycling does anyone know? Also i figure i should take my ai from day one correct? should i take it all the way through til im finished with pct? Also when should I stop taking hcg i read somewhere that there shouldn't be any hcg in your system when you start pct? is this correct?

    thank you to anyone that can answer these questions and thank you again xen for the information i will most likely be dropping th dbol from this cycle but not sure yet. def makes sense to start with one compound to guage sides for future etc but i figured if the sides are from the dbol when i quit taking it after the 4 weeks they should subside by the time i'm on week 8 of test and an ai, but again i don't know enough about these compounds so this is an assumption.

  7. #7
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    Feb 2012
    Thanks again xel.

    Let's say I run my cycle as follows:
    Weeks 1-10: 250iu HCG per week
    Weeks 1-12: 500 mg test c per week
    Weeks 1-19: Arimidex .25mg eod (will adjust dose accordingly)
    Weeks 15-19: Nova 40/40/20/20 (I'll start taking this 14-18 days after final pin, any suggestions on this? i was thinking 18 days as it's a long ester test.)

    Does this look like a good cycle for a beginner? Does anyone see any adjustments or corrections that should be made to this regimen?

    Again this site is amazing and everyone on here is so knowledgeable and helpful, this really is the greatest forum for gaining knowledge I mean without this who knows what kind of f**ked up cycle i'd be running. Thank you!

  8. #8
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    nobody likes me, i'll go away now. thanks for the help though i did gain alot of knowledge from this forum.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by TraPump View Post
    Replies: 6
    Views: 218

    nobody likes me, i'll go away now. thanks for the help though i did gain alot of knowledge from this forum.
    someone's impatient. no need for others to chime in as your question seemed to be answered by xel....

  10. #10
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    Dec 2011
    it's not that nobody likes you, it's that you're impatient and disrespectful to someone who has likely forgotten more than you've learned. he gave you two great pieces of advice and you shook him off like a flea. what did you expect? (don't answer, that's a rhetorical q)

    anyway, good luck..

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by magicstick2003 View Post
    someone's impatient. no need for others to chime in as your question seemed to be answered by xel....
    i know when it comes to research i really am i just want to know EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW lol. I just had a few other questions i was hoping to get multiple opinions on that's why i opened the thread. i am grateful to xel for sharing his knowledge on the matter with me.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    it's not that nobody likes you, it's that you're impatient and disrespectful to someone who has likely forgotten more than you've learned. he gave you two great pieces of advice and you shook him off like a flea. what did you expect? (don't answer, that's a rhetorical q)

    anyway, good luck..
    I didn't think I shook him off i thanked him a couple times actually i'm sorry if i came off that way.. and i may have came off as rude but that is only cuz i was looking for advice and felt like i was blown off by the initial reply to my thread. anways this is off topic now so oh well.

  13. #13
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TraPump View Post
    Thanks again xel.

    Let's say I run my cycle as follows:
    Weeks 1-10: 250iu HCG per week
    Weeks 1-12: 500 mg test c per week
    Weeks 1-19: Arimidex .25mg eod (will adjust dose accordingly)
    Weeks 15-19: Nova 40/40/20/20 (I'll start taking this 14-18 days after final pin, any suggestions on this? i was thinking 18 days as it's a long ester test.)

    Does this look like a good cycle for a beginner? Does anyone see any adjustments or corrections that should be made to this regimen?

    Again this site is amazing and everyone on here is so knowledgeable and helpful, this really is the greatest forum for gaining knowledge I mean without this who knows what kind of f**ked up cycle i'd be running. Thank you!
    I'd say you got your answers from your post. only thing I don't know is the HCG you may want to run that till the end of the cycle instead of wk 10. I think cyp is still 2 weeks from last shot to PCT but with a quick search i know somewhere on here there is a table that has pct times based on the ester (may be in the ed forum). i've always done clomid for pct but people have a love hate relationship with that stuff so i'd research it and see if it's for you.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by magicstick2003 View Post
    I'd say you got your answers from your post. only thing I don't know is the HCG you may want to run that till the end of the cycle instead of wk 10. I think cyp is still 2 weeks from last shot to PCT but with a quick search i know somewhere on here there is a table that has pct times based on the ester (may be in the ed forum). i've always done clomid for pct but people have a love hate relationship with that stuff so i'd research it and see if it's for you.
    magic you're awesome thank you i did find a thread in the research sub forum that had pct start times, test c is 18 days according to that thread, xel thank you as well for the great advice there's a good chance you saved me some trouble. i feel pretty prepared for this cycle. My last questions seem to be:

    in regards to the hcg use (when to start and stop)?
    when to start and stop arimidex (take after last pin but stop before pct? take with nova during pct then stop?)
    Would nova 20/20/10/10 and clomid 50/50/25/25 suffice for pct doses on such a mild cycle?

  15. #15
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TraPump View Post
    magic you're awesome thank you i did find a thread in the research sub forum that had pct start times, test c is 18 days according to that thread, xel thank you as well for the great advice there's a good chance you saved me some trouble. i feel pretty prepared for this cycle. My last questions seem to be:

    in regards to the hcg use (when to start and stop)?
    when to start and stop arimidex (take after last pin but stop before pct? take with nova during pct then stop?)
    Would nova 20/20/10/10 and clomid 50/50/25/25 suffice for pct doses on such a mild cycle?
    I'd hit the search button and seek this info. as far as HCG never used it. I always ran A-dex up to PCT but things could have changed since then since it's been a bit of time since I cycled last. The PCT things can also be found in a search, I always used the older PCT method with nolva 20mg daily days 1- 21. Clomid day 1 300mg/ days 2-11- 100mg/ ED days 11-21 50 mg/ED

  16. #16
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    Feb 2012
    Thank yOu for your helP magic. I found all the info I'll need on hcg use for oct. I will be taking your advice and using adex thru to pct and I will still be running an eight week cycle because as I keep hearing on this forum Ronnie knows best and from what I've seen so far that is def acurrate hi write up on sts is awesome!

  17. #17
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by TraPump View Post
    Thank yOu for your helP magic. I found all the info I'll need on hcg use for oct. I will be taking your advice and using adex thru to pct and I will still be running an eight week cycle because as I keep hearing on this forum Ronnie knows best and from what I've seen so far that is def acurrate hi write up on sts is awesome!
    test c take about 4-5wks to spool up. so you'll be getting 3-4wks out of your cycle at best. you're still far from being educated enough to run a cycle. read more on esters, hcg, pct, and the associated SERMS and AI's. all your answers are right in front of you on this website. and Ronnie's wisdom is generally for vets and pros - people who are on, likely, most of the time.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    test c take about 4-5wks to spool up. so you'll be getting 3-4wks out of your cycle at best. you're still far from being educated enough to run a cycle. read more on esters, hcg, pct, and the associated SERMS and AI's. all your answers are right in front of you on this website. and Ronnie's wisdom is generally for vets and pros - people who are on, likely, most of the time.
    I agree with reading up a little early it more... x and magic got it covered

  19. #19
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    Jul 2011
    Looks like these guys got you pretty squared away.. couple pts to add:

    - Mickey is right on the cycle legnth. If "keeping it 8 wks" is referring to your cycle, you're wasting your $. Cyp is a long ester, 10wk minimum, 12 wk preferrably. 8 wks is good for short ester @ higher dose.

    - adex: run up until pct, but begin to taper down a couple weeks before pct. You will have less exogenous test in your system so no need to take the same amt of AI, plus the taper will prevent the "rebound".

    - hcg up until 3 days before pct. no point in stopping early n having your nuts begin to atrophy again n lose progress.

  20. #20
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    Feb 2012
    Nevermind I'm an idiot. When I do finally cycle like I said I'll run it thru here first. It will mostl likely be test c 400 mg a week for 12 weeks til then I'll be here asking questions and reading thanks for the helP guys.
    Last edited by TraPump; 02-13-2012 at 06:32 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    Looks like these guys got you pretty squared away.. couple pts to add:

    - Mickey is right on the cycle legnth. If "keeping it 8 wks" is referring to your cycle, you're wasting your $. Cyp is a long ester, 10wk minimum, 12 wk preferrably. 8 wks is good for short ester @ higher dose.

    - adex: run up until pct, but begin to taper down a couple weeks before pct. You will have less exogenous test in your system so no need to take the same amt of AI, plus the taper will prevent the "rebound".

    - hcg up until 3 days before pct. no point in stopping early n having your nuts begin to atrophy again n lose progress.
    this is great information i really appreciate you sharing it with me. mickey and gearbox thank you guys for your input, 12 weeks seems the path, i'm still a solid month or more even in research before even doing my first "simple 1 compound mild cycle" i'm cutting and dropping more body fat firstand easing up on my cns a little before i do start. thanks again everyone, i'll be around asking questions it was nice meeting you guys thanks.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by TraPump View Post
    this is great information i really appreciate you sharing it with me. mickey and gearbox thank you guys for your input, 12 weeks seems the path, i'm still a solid month or more even in research before even doing my first "simple 1 compound mild cycle" i'm cutting and dropping more body fat firstand easing up on my cns a little before i do start. thanks again everyone, i'll be around asking questions it was nice meeting you guys thanks.
    very intelligent post bro.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    your are very welcome. we are all here to help. Guys on here have helped me tons! I enjoy the forum and learning more every day. Good luck with the cycle.

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