Hello all,
I'd like to just start by thanking everyone that contributes to this wonderful forum. I have learned very much from alot of you on this site, thank you for sharing your knowlege with the rest of us.
I am def new to the AAS world. I have done a very fair amount of research. First here's some of my information/stats: I have been weight lifting for several years. I lifted in high school while playing football for 2 years, then quit after a knee injury that occurred on the field and didn't get back into lifting until i was 21, made some great gains in the first year was very serious for about 18 mos then fall off again. Anyways I'm back into lifting for the last 10 months. I have made some very good gains and my diet has been spot on. So there's my lifting history.
Stats: 24yr old male, 225-228 lbs, 16% bf, 6'4" tall
My order will be here in a couple weeks, it's a very reliable source. I ordered 20cc of test cyp 200, 100 x 20mg dbol tabs, 50 x 1mg armidex tabs, 2000iu HCG and 200 x 20mg Nolvadex tabs.
My plan was as follows, please any suggestions for changes or better more beneficial ways to run this cycle are greatly appreciated:
Weeks 1-4: Dbol 20mg ed
Weeks 1-12: Test C 300mg/wk
Weeks 1-15: Arimidex .25mg eod (will adjust accordingly if necessary)
Weeks 5-12: HCG 125iu twice a week
I then planned on taking nolva 40/40/20/20, 18 days after my last pin. Should i add clomid to this? Should i just purchase ar-r's liquid clomi? Also should I just take the arimidex through pct? Or up until pct then stop arimidex? Sorry if these are dumb questions as i said I am new to these compounds.
It's a very mild cycle; i'm a beginner and want to be cautious and safe and use this first cycle to help learn how my body will react. And again seriously thank you to everyone that add to this forum and thank you in advance for any assistance with this process I really do appreciate it. It's alot more comforting going into something like this with a forum like this here to help aid, i take these compounds very seriously and am proceeding with caution and plenty of research.