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Thread: Anadrol 50 Anti-e's and gyno

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Question Anadrol 50 Anti-e's and gyno

    Hi Guys,

    I've just read a good article in this months edition of MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT. The issue with a pic of Brandy Dahl on the front cover.

    There is an article on Anadrol 50 in this issue and it covers some very good points and also brings to the forefront some points that users may not have read else where.

    I have an oil based version of Oxymetholone (Generic Labs) and as a result of this article I'm no longer going to use it!!!( even though the article refers to the oral form.)

    In the article, reference is made to Nolvadex and how Oxymetholone is not effected by it.
    "Oxymetholone will aggravate Gynocomastia and is not likely to to respond to either Nolvadex or aromatase Inhinbitors( ie Arimidex)!"

    My question, to the board Mods and Doctors is what Anti-e should I use as I already have a small lump under right nip. How should I combat this?

    Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    I would still keep arimidex and nolvadex on hand, but bromo should work out for you if you get gyno symptoms from the anadrol.

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