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Thread: lump under injection site

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Killa Kali

    lump under injection site

    This is not for me, it's for a friend. taking 4 iu of gh, he decided to go the sub-q route, right in the stomach fat. He lives 8 hours away so there's no way for me to see exactly what he's doing, but he swears he's been clean, using alcohol swabs, etc. I gave full details on how to draw/inject and he said he's following them to the T. Today he said there's a lump right where he injected that is harder than anything else around it. Slight pain and hardness are the symptoms. Any idea on what this could be?


  2. #2
    What brand of GH is he taking? It could be an allergic reaction (antibodies) to whatever BS chemical is in his generic GH.

    Or he could have injected in or too close to a vein which a lot of people do when they inject too close to the naval as there are a lot of blood vessels there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Killa Kali
    Yeah, it is generic gh. Will this go away on its own?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Killa Kali
    He say now it's red and itchy. Could it be an infection?

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