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Thread: Need help please

  1. #1

    Need help please

    I took my first cycle which included
    2 CC's of test Cypionate and 1 CC of Deca Nandrolone twice a week for 13 weeks following this I took A1 post cycle for about a month. My problem is that my soildier will not stay at attention. whats going on ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    because you took to much for a first cycle and didnt do a correct pct
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Wat was your pct? Did you get blood work done? 19 nors shut you down hard.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    is A1 a supplement post cycle? never heard of it. you may have wanted to do clomid, nolva....holy crap, I was looking at the dosing did i read that right 2cc of test and 1 cc of deca 2 times a week?!?!? depending on the dose of each that seems like a lot for a first time.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by WOLFGUY View Post
    I took my first cycle which included
    2 CC's of test Cypionate and 1 CC of Deca Nandrolone twice a week for 13 weeks following this I took A1 post cycle for about a month. My problem is that my soildier will not stay at attention. whats going on ?
    I'm assuming by "A1" you meant an anti-estrogen, in which case, it was a horrendous PCT for such a cycle (any cycle for that matter). I'd make my way to the PCT forum if I were you, and get to reading! You're going to want to focus attention on kickstarting your HTPA and getting your natural hormone production in line.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    West Australia
    strong first post. you need to run a proper pct. go research pct. Once you have done that you also have alot more to read about, 2cc's 2x a week. that is more than likely 1000mg of test a week. and adding deca with no clue what you are doing is just plain stupid.

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