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Thread: A little nervous and on the edge!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    A little nervous and on the edge!!!

    I'm going into my third week of DECA/TEST ENETHATE and I seem to be a little on the edge. Stressed and a little worried about crap I shouldn't be. Is this pretty common for you guys also?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    yea. you can't help feeling stressed. your homones and your body are going through great changes, affecting your mood. your heart rate and blood pressure will be up and you'll probably feel out of sorts from time to time. then there's the pressure of having to do those damn injections.

    but it's worth it in the end. i started to relax and feel comfortable with the injections around week 5 and i stopped worrying about stupid shit.

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