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Thread: First Injection, Homebrew, Crippling Pain....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    First Injection, Homebrew, Crippling Pain....

    So I have an extremely reliable source on raws and decided to run my first cycle of Test E. Yesterday I took my first injection in the ventrogluteal area and today I woke up and I can barely walk.

    Relative Information:

    Potency was brewed to 300mg/ml
    Used 1ml
    BA concentration was 2%
    Used to figure out quantities.
    Injection sight has no lumps or anything and feels fine.
    Used .22um filters, alcohol swabs, etc etc...girlfriend is a nurse and helped along the way, does flawless injections and keeps everything mega-sterile.

    I really dont think its an infection.

    Basically my questions are this

    1) Is it normal?
    2) Will every injection be like this or is this a "noob muscle" kind of thing where it will only happen in the beginning?
    3) What was the cause and is there anything I can do after the fact to fix it so it doesnt happen in the futre?

    Kinda hoping its just a "welcome to AAS use, it happens to alot of people on the first poke, your body will get used to it and it will hurt less with each poke" response.

    Kinda pissed that I wont be able to workout today
    Last edited by Daveman; 02-13-2012 at 08:17 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

  3. #3
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    post proelia praemia
    I'd say its a combination of gear being 300mg/ml and virgin muscle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Should I water it down with more oil or something?

  5. #5
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    post proelia praemia
    You could do but personally id just suck it up, you will get used to it lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    So it is something I'll get used to?

    Because I literally am having a hard time walking to the bathroom right now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Yes to be honest what you are describing sounds fairly standard with a virgin muscle, mabey try delts

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    My first shot of test prop hurt like hell for a week, but it got progressively better.

  9. #9
    Use a heating pad to disperse the oil through the tissue & aggressivly massage it, it will hurt bad at first, but within 30 min or so, you'll feel like a million bucks bro. If you dont mind, post a breakdown of your brew & lets see if maybe something went wrong there that you didnt happens bro, no shame.
    How many grams of powder?
    How many ml's of oil?
    How many ml's of BB?
    How many ml's of BA?

  10. #10
    If this is your first injection ever, I'd chalk it up to virgin muscles.

    If the dose was 300mg/mL, with 1mL, of test e - there really shouldn't be too much pain. Especially with BA at 2%. It could have also been the location, sometimes I'll just put the oil in the wrong spot and it'll hurt for a bit. Not sure if it is pressure on a nerve, or what, to be honest.

    If the issue persists, you could always cut with sterile grapeseed oil. But I'm sure it'll pass soon. If you have any fear of infection, monitor redness - key indicator.

  11. #11
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Use a heating pad to disperse the oil through the tissue & aggressivly massage it, it will hurt bad at first, but within 30 min or so, you'll feel like a million bucks bro. If you dont mind, post a breakdown of your brew & lets see if maybe something went wrong there that you didnt happens bro, no shame.
    How many grams of powder?
    How many ml's of oil?
    How many ml's of BB?
    How many ml's of BA?
    56ml USP Grapeseed Oil
    30g Test Powder
    2ml BA
    20ml BB

    Filtered through .22um filters into 10 seperate 10ml vials.

    I got a bottle of Motrin/Ibuprofin. Hopefully this helps out.

    Im almost 100% sure that its not infection, the spot looks like nothing ever happened there, cant even see the pin prick.

  12. #12
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 02-13-2012 at 10:54 AM.

  13. #13
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 02-13-2012 at 10:55 AM.

  14. #14
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    Ended up with alittle over 100, keep in mind the 30g of powder does increase the volume.

    I used that much because thats what I was told to use lol.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB
    I'd say its a combination of gear being 300mg/ml and virgin muscle

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daveman View Post
    Ended up with alittle over 100, keep in mind the 30g of powder does increase the volume.

    I used that much because thats what I was told to use lol.
    With Test E you can pretty much go without BB. I guess to fix your problem you could dilute it somewhat with some sterile oil.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Daveman View Post
    Ended up with alittle over 100, keep in mind the 30g of powder does increase the volume.

    I used that much because thats what I was told to use lol.
    Disregard my last posts, I was wrong. Sorry bro. You got it right.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    Not 100% sure I agree with it being 300mg/ml that is causing the pain. I have had plenty of Test Enth brews at 250mg/ml that were painless. Do you really think an extra 50mg/ml would cause crippling pain?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daveman View Post
    So I have an extremely reliable source on raws and decided to run my first cycle of Test E. Yesterday I took my first injection in the ventrogluteal area and today I woke up and I can barely walk.

    Relative Information:

    Potency was brewed to 300mg/ml
    Used 1ml
    BA concentration was 2%
    Used to figure out quantities.
    Injection sight has no lumps or anything and feels fine.
    Used .22um filters, alcohol swabs, etc etc...girlfriend is a nurse and helped along the way, does flawless injections and keeps everything mega-sterile.

    I really dont think its an infection.

    Basically my questions are this

    1) Is it normal?
    2) Will every injection be like this or is this a "noob muscle" kind of thing where it will only happen in the beginning?
    3) What was the cause and is there anything I can do after the fact to fix it so it doesnt happen in the futre?

    Kinda hoping its just a "welcome to AAS use, it happens to alot of people on the first poke, your body will get used to it and it will hurt less with each poke" response.

    Kinda pissed that I wont be able to workout today
    shit mate!
    had to google that one to understand what the hell you were talking about? =)

    only time i ever had a painful reaction was when i was injecting tren into my calves. not sure why, if everything was sterile, and you were not allergic to the carrier oil, and the compound was legit, i don't see why it would hurt so much?

    Yeah, i saw the virgin muscle comment. not sure i buy that though. I'm thinking it might be time to reexamine all your ingredients, and reverify you are not allergic to your carrier oil

  20. #20
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    I couldn't walk for a week without a serious limp when I injected first time in glute. Quad was worse. Its good to go now

  21. #21
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    Virgin you feel the pain in the muscle or around the area....i just pinned glutes last week 1/2 cc and hurt like shat for 2 days then it was gtg...

  22. #22
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    Size of needle effects it and I.use heating pad. Works good

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by BokBok

    Not 100% sure I agree with it being 300mg/ml that is causing the pain. I have had plenty of Test Enth brews at 250mg/ml that were painless. Do you really think an extra 50mg/ml would cause crippling pain?
    No but the virgin muscle might be, or he didn't inject right and hit something.. One time I got the same pain, but I nicked the nerve

  24. #24
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Only time I have had discomfort was when I jammed the gear in. I injected quickly because my dogs were running down the hall and I knew they would jump on me. I hurt for nearly a week after that injection, and it was the only time I had pain like that.

    Make sure your GF is injecting SLOWLY. She may be clean, but make sure she takes...her...time.

    Other that that, I agree with everything above. Contributing factors can be concentration, goof in ingredients and virgin muscle.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Only time I have had discomfort was when I jammed the gear in. I injected quickly because my dogs were running down the hall and I knew they would jump on me. I hurt for nearly a week after that injection, and it was the only time I had pain like that.

    Make sure your GF is injecting SLOWLY. She may be clean, but make sure she takes...her...time.

    Other that that, I agree with everything above. Contributing factors can be concentration, goof in ingredients and virgin muscle.
    Actually now that I think of it, any experience I've had with nurses they inject very quickly, they dont have time to hang around so mabey this could attribute to your pain like JV said

  26. #26
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    She sticks the needle in quickly but takes her time pushing the solution in.

  27. #27
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    when i first pinned my glute i couldnt sit for days, i'm still new so everyone will no better then i but the pain does go away, i had the same problem once you get like 3 weeks the pain goes away completely just be sure to rub the inj site for a little bit after you pin

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Daveman View Post
    She sticks the needle in quickly but takes her time pushing the solution in.

  29. #29
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    From what others said virgin muscle can stay sore for a bit. What gauge are you using?

  30. #30
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    I don't know what's wrong with me but I've pinned myself with test e 4 times now and never had any pain or discomfort.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    From what others said virgin muscle can stay sore for a bit. What gauge are you using?
    22 guage

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daveman View Post
    22 guage
    Dude... Go get yourself some 25g... you will thank me....

  33. #33
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    Dude... Go get yourself some 25g... you will thank me....
    I may have never agreed with something more than I agree with this statement.

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