So I have an extremely reliable source on raws and decided to run my first cycle of Test E. Yesterday I took my first injection in the
ventrogluteal area and today I woke up and I can barely walk.
Relative Information:
Potency was brewed to 300mg/ml
Used 1ml
BA concentration was 2%
Used to figure out quantities.
Injection sight has no lumps or anything and feels fine.
Used .22um filters, alcohol swabs, etc etc...girlfriend is a nurse and helped along the way, does flawless injections and keeps everything mega-sterile.
I really dont think its an infection.
Basically my questions are this
1) Is it normal?
2) Will every injection be like this or is this a "noob muscle" kind of thing where it will only happen in the beginning?
3) What was the cause and is there anything I can do after the fact to fix it so it doesnt happen in the futre?
Kinda hoping its just a "welcome to AAS use, it happens to alot of people on the first poke, your body will get used to it and it will hurt less with each poke" response.
Kinda pissed that I wont be able to workout today