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Thread: Test E/ Tren E opinion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Test E/ Tren E opinion

    Stats: 5'8", 190lbs, bf 15-17%, Training 20yrs, age 35, 4th cycle , but it's been 6 years since last which was tren a/eq /test prop 10wks.

    Would like to run the following cycle Tren E 400mg wk 1-8 Divided into two pokes m/th Test E 250mg wk 1-10

    Would run PCT of Clomid , Nolvadex . Will also be on a caloric deficit. Looking to put on some lean mass and am running test so low to aid in sexual dysfunction and reduce some of the bloat that accompanies Test E. Please feel free to give me you comments, criticisms, opinions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    The enanthate esther needs to be ran longer than 8 weeks. I suggest you think about the Test for 12 and the Tren for 10. Also might want to consider some HCG to aid in recovery.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    would love to add some HCG to my cycle, but don't have a source for it. Thought about adding Proviron, but it's not exactly cost effective. Yeah, and I agree, think I'll extend the cycle a couple weeks to 12, stopping the Tren at 10. I'll also through in some Saw Palmetto to try to protect the prostate.

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