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Thread: 2nd cycle i need advice as i'm new and the dose my bud suggest messed me up

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    canada, calgary

    2nd cycle i need advice as i'm new and the dose my bud suggest messed me up

    This is my 2nd ever cycle the 1st only being 2 x 25 dbol for 6 weeks almost a year ago

    I was going to do
    dbol for 5 weeks 25mg a day and the after 2 weeks I was thinking
    t400 400mg a week and 400mg of eq

    THis is what i have right now my bud tried to put me on way to big a cycle if any one can suggest a good 2nd cycle please do I have
    3 bottles t400
    3 bottles of eq300mg
    3 bottles test enthanate
    1 b12
    and 50 dbol 25mg...

    Im 35 6'1" 195 not super lean and any advice you guys would have would be much appreciated
    Note the reason i almost just stopped this all together is my first ever injection 1ml t400 with 1ml test e made my ass blow up like a balloon to the point i couldn't sit for 3days. pretty sure it got infected who knows i forgot to wipe the bottle top and was on IV antibiotic for an hour a day an now popping pills.. i know the t4 suppose to be harsh but i think the dose was to high or i don't know im no ***** but that was ****ed. i can walk not an my ass is shrinking finally. My friends suggest a cycle that was way to much I think

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    You need to see what happens w/your last injection before continuing anything imo. It would help if we knew how many ml's of each compound you have and how long you plan to run this cycle. I wouldn't listen to your friends and start in on your own research. It's all right here on this site. I will tell you that that's way too much for a first cycle as you should just stick w/test. Do you know what PCT is?
    your gear sounds questionable to me and i'd be skeptical about using it. And a d-bol only cycle is not good.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    canada, calgary
    Hey my bud ran this gear last year so im sure its quality. as for his using way to much. thats what i thought
    3 10ml bottles t400
    3 10ml of EQ
    3 10ml of test enthanate
    50- 25mg d-bol
    1 bottle of nolvadex 20mg i believe 50 and i was told 15weeks if im using the eq for it to have a decent effect

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    An Linne Rosach
    Second cycle keep it simple test e at 500 a week and dbol at the start of your cycle for 4 weeks or at the end for 4 weeks , it depends on what your going to run 8 weeks or twelve week cycle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    i'd run the test E by itself (you could throw in the dbol too but it's up to you) and save the t400 and eq as i'm assuming you don't have enough EQ to run it like it should be since you only have 30 ml of it and it needs to be run in the 400-600 range for longer periods of time. But that just what i would do. More importantly if you are worried about sterility of your gear you may want to get yourself a whatman filter and some ba..... you'll lose/dilute some of it but if you got an infection from it why take the chance. Reasearching nad having PCT and anti e/AIs on hand prior to starting is also very wise!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    canada, calgary
    i was going to run it for 12 , if i ran eq 15 weeks... does eq help keep ya cut while bulking up though .. thats why i was going to run it and for pain of the t400 or test e injection

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    canada, calgary
    the eq i have is 300mg im assuming the bottles are 10ml looking at them they may be bigger no size is specified just mg n manufacturer... im sure it was my own fault the first injection i never wiped the bottle top and put the needle on the counter for a second ..lesson learned......

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    An Linne Rosach
    Tri-400 is a sore injection some say mix it with test to stop the steriod crystalizing in the muscle I just heat it, but did you heat the steriod before you pinned it ? also take your time when you pin as it gives the steriod time to get in and if your bulking bulk just keep your diet in check

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    canada, calgary
    so do you figure i should just hit 1ml of test twice a week for 12 weeks then take 2week break then hit the nolvadex and save all the other gear for the next cycle

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    More than likely the T400 caused the pain.....

    Keep a cycle simple and run 600mg's test..... 3/4ml T400 on mon and 3/4ml on thursday. Get some injectible B12 or sterile oil and use it to cut the T400.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    canada, calgary
    no i didnt the first time i jsut pumped in 1ml t400 and 1ml test e and was in severe pain .. i only used a 1" pin in my but too so it may have been shallow i read

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    An Linne Rosach
    Pin twice a week will be fine ,I would run nolva and clomid for PCT

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ajfoster View Post
    no i didnt the first time i jsut pumped in 1ml t400 and 1ml test e and was in severe pain .. i only used a 1" pin in my but too so it may have been shallow i read
    Thats roughly 650mg's of hormone in relatively virgin muscle..... no wonder why your ass blew up.....


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I wouldn't recommend experimenting with multiple testosterone esters (T400) for your first few cycles, and I would be careful using that exact bottle of T400 ever again after your infection.... Spend the $50-$100 and get a new bottle to be safe... Not worth getting another infection from gear that isn't sterile.

    Okay, let your infection heal... don't rush it. Make sure you're showering before injecting. Make sure you aren't keeping your bottles in moist areas (Bathrooms or near windows) and make sure your gear isnt in direct sunlight (warmth+moisture=Increased bacteria growth potential).

    So, now you have done all that... Your ass is 100% healed and you are no longer infected.

    400-500mg/week of Test Enth for 10-12 weeks (250mg twice a week)

    Make sure to get an AI and have it on hand. People that are in the higher body fat comp percentiles are more prone to gyno... Always have an AI on hand, especially with long esters!! Bitch tits start to flare up and your long ester will prolong the symptoms for weeks after they initially begin to flare up... SO, even if you quit the injections of Test Enth, it might be too late unless you have an AI on hand

    You will see great gains on this cycle... You have to be patient though. It usually doesn't begin to kick in till the 3rd week
    Clomid and Nolvadex for PCT.

    If you're really wanting to use the dbol... I wouldn't recommend it for your first cycle; however, some people don't listen to recommendations... SO, here's my advice if you go against the popular opinion of the forum

    Dbol @ 40-50mg/every day

    I would run it NO LONGER than 4 weeks.

    It will kick start your test but your liver will be poisoned.... Milk Thistle/Liv52 when taking any oral steroid... Better safe than sorry


    1.5 inch needles for your ass cheeks.... Especially if you are not very lean....

    You probably didn't get those T400/Test E shots into your muscle tissue.
    Last edited by Kansas City Boy; 02-14-2012 at 03:34 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    canada, calgary
    the test e is 300mg so 700mg of gear actually /... freind set me up on it i almost slapped him over it..
    SO please confused guys
    monday thursday = 300mg of test enthanate injects
    tues friday 400- 600 of eq


    monday thursday 200mg of t400 with at eq 300mg eq mix

    I have the nolvadex for after .

    I really want to pack it on large and i can get whatever i need more as far as eq or pct treament...
    without problems

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    canada, calgary
    Thanks you all so much for the advice .. i really wonder where my buddy got his instruction from as he was putting me on twice as much as you ve suggest and i have read it's rediculous .. and i have 900 worth of shit i don t need .. too funny

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    EQ is a royal waste of time..... you're not going to see shit from it BUT.... if you use the T400 it'll be good to cut it with EQ. Come to think of it..... thats probably the best use of EQ i've ever heard.....


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Kansas City Boy View Post
    I wouldn't recommend experimenting with multiple testosterone esters (T400) for your first few cycles, and I would be careful using that exact bottle of T400 ever again after your infection.... Spend the $50-$100 and get a new bottle to be safe... Not worth getting another infection from gear that isn't sterile.

    Okay, let your infection heal... don't rush it. Make sure you're showering before injecting. Make sure you aren't keeping your bottles in moist areas (Bathrooms or near windows) and make sure your gear isnt in direct sunlight (warmth+moisture=Increased bacteria growth potential).

    So, now you have done all that... Your ass is 100% healed and you are no longer infected.

    400-500mg/week of Test Enth for 10-12 weeks (250mg twice a week)

    Make sure to get an AI and have it on hand. People that are in the higher body fat comp percentiles are more prone to gyno... Always have an AI on hand, especially with long esters!! Bitch tits start to flare up and your long ester will prolong the symptoms for weeks after they initially begin to flare up... SO, even if you quit the injections of Test Enth, it might be too late unless you have an AI on hand

    You will see great gains on this cycle... You have to be patient though. It usually doesn't begin to kick in till the 3rd week
    Clomid and Nolvadex for PCT.

    If you're really wanting to use the dbol... I wouldn't recommend it for your first cycle; however, some people don't listen to recommendations... SO, here's my advice if you go against the popular opinion of the forum

    Dbol @ 40-50mg/every day

    I would run it NO LONGER than 4 weeks.

    It will kick start your test but your liver will be poisoned.... Milk Thistle/Liv52 when taking any oral steroid... Better safe than sorry


    1.5 inch needles for your ass cheeks.... Especially if you are not very lean....

    You probably didn't get those T400/Test E shots into your muscle tissue.
    that is pretty high imo for a first timer.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I still vote for the test E 500 mg EW for 12 weeks (300mg/ml @ 30ml gives you plenty to run it 12 weeks with a little left over). I'd save the EQ till you got more so you can run it for the correct length of time at a good dose and save the T400 for next cycle. B12 will help cut the pain. That's just me though. Throw in the dbol if you feel so inclined. Just make sure you have your AI and PCT materials on hand.

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