Hey Everyone, I've been a long time reader of these forums and now I need advice on my next cycle.
26 yrs old, 6'0" 210lbs 14%BF
4 years of lifting experiance
previous cycles included: Sustanon, Test E, D-bol and clen. All had good results.
My goal is to build lean mass and maybe lose a few % body fat in the process. I've done extended research to come up with my cycle but I need a suggestion on PCT and what AI to run on cycle as I'm very prone to gyno.
1-4 Test P 150mg/eod
1-17 Test E 500mg/wk
1-16 Equipoise 400mg/wk
16-20 Anavar 50mg/ed
18-20 Test P 150mg/eod
1-20 HCG 500iu 2x/wk
21-? PCT ????
What AI while on cycle?
Thanks in advance for any help.