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Thread: moving to the uk

  1. #1

    Unhappy moving to the uk

    im 19 and am currently living in austrailia and have been lifting for 5 years and have reached my natural size , im thinking of moving to the uk as i canot get a hold of steroids in austrailia , can anyone give me some advice bodybuilding is my whole life!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jaso_531
    im 19 and am currently living in austrailia and have been lifting for 5 years and have reached my natural size , im thinking of moving to the uk as i canot get a hold of steroids in austrailia , can anyone give me some advice bodybuilding is my whole life!!!!
    Best advice, dont move and make a huge mistake i can 100% guaratee you that at 19 years old you are far from being done growing, you need to invest in proper whole nutritious foods, and a good gym member ship that will help you grow naturally. Trust me you are not done growing

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    what are your stats? Also claiming bodybuilding is your whole life at 19 is a pretty dam bold statement. If your honestly going to move to the UK just to get your hands on some gear, I think that is the most retarded thing I have ever heard on here.

  4. #4
    thank you so much for taking the time to reply and help me out, iv still got a current membership and have a great nutrition plan and training plan , cant believe it took me this long to find a good website with great advice, lost alot of sleep just thinking about were i am going to get it from when the time comes and if moving to the uk is a good desision when the time comes

  5. #5
    i can honestly say it is my life i live and breath it havent missed a meal in 4 years, im 5,11 at 87 kg and about 7 to 8 percent bodyfat very cut

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Why don't you post your entire meal plan in the nutrition forum, and your training schedule in the workout forum. Some guys will be able to help you out there.

  7. #7
    meal 1 egg whites and 1 or 2 youlks / with bread and shake and oats and protein
    meal 2 chicken brown rice beans with avacardo / piece of fruit
    meal 3 chicken beans brown rice and avacardo/ piece of fruit
    meal 4 pre workout shake / bannana and multi grain bread 4 slices and nuts
    meal 5 minse lean beef burgers and brown rice and beans and brochalie/ fruit
    meal 6 tuna rice avacardo / fruit
    meal 7 shake and cottage cheese
    may varey

    thats lean bulking

    monday biceps / low weight high rep concentration reps , warm up on chin up bar or assisted chin ups , then bicep straight bar curles or hammer curles heavy till light then on the 4th set drop the weight and do perfect form until arms are dead , seated bicep curls or standing or laying down light to heavy , preacher curles heavy till light then on the 4th set go heavy cheat form, cable bicep curles heavy cheat form till light perfect form till dead
    tuesday / shoulders low reps concentration and heavy reps, warm up on seated assisted shoulder bar then move onto the non assisted bar go light to heavy then on the 4th set drop the weight and perfect concentration reps , then shrugs light to heavy then on the last do a drop set , dumbel shouler press heavy to light then on the 4th set go heavy low reps till dead ,seated front shoulder flys light to heavy then on the 4th set drop the weight and use perfect form till dead
    wednesday, tries low rep concentration , warm up on cable tricep press , then move onto skull crushers heavy to light then on the 4th go up to heavy to shock the muscles into growth , next move onto dips go heavy with weight then drop the weight and go light until dead , seated strait bar back skull crushers light till heavy then on the 4th set drop the weight and go all out, next cable tricep pushdowns with the straight bar go heavy till light then shock the muscles and go heavy on the last set.
    thursday cheast , heavy bench , light weigh dumbells hight concentration , warm up on assisted bench press then move onto flat bench press go light to heavy then on the 4th set drop the weight concentration reps , next incline bench press heavy till light then shock the muscles with a heavy 4th set , next go onto flat dumbell press light to heavy then drop set concentration reps , next peck deck light to heavy then on the 4th rep push all out on a light drop set
    friday , bies and tries and fore arms , heanvy weight , and a bit of low weight concentraition , start off tricep pulldown for warmup then move onto heavy seated skull crushes 3 sets , then move onto heavy dumbell behind head seated pull up 3 sets , then move onto heavy tricep pushdowns 3 sets , next bicpes heavy straight bar curls form out the window 10 reps then 8 then 6 heavy, next standing dumbell curls heavy non twisting keep the top of the dumbell pointing up the whole time 3 sets , then next preacher curls heavy 3 sets , then for arms seated curls 3 sets then standing forarm curles ,
    sat back , heavy/ light warm up on wide grip chin up bar then move onto seated rows light till heavy then drop set on the 4th , next is lat pulldown heavy till light then on the 4th shock the muscles with a heavy set then next is the seated back pull ins light to heavy then drop set on the 4th , last is the seated back extensions facing the seat light till heavy reps then on the last go light
    sunday legs ,
    its really scetchy writting but its perfect for my body and my cutting is just the same with carb cycling high low and no carb days

  8. #8
    cant really work a computer good and cant find the other forums , what are your thoughts?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jaso_531
    i can honestly say it is my life i live and breath it havent missed a meal in 4 years, im 5,11 at 87 kg and about 7 to 8 percent bodyfat very cut
    Look man, you simply are just to young, please read some of the stickies. Dont get angry about it, understand that there is a right time and a right place for everything, but right now the time is not right, give it until you are 24-25 and the time will be right, plus you will be even more built and have a better chance of being succesfull with aas. I been started.workig out when i was 13, but got seriosu when i was 17. Now i am 24 turning 25 in 8 days, jusy started my first cycle because i saw first hand what doing to your body at a undeveloped rate can do. Its not worth iy which is why i waited, so again ill say go read, learn and plan ahead and build your natty test levels to peak.

  10. #10
    you have more than likley saved my body from falure thank you and thats crazy starting at 13 dedicated as!!!! quick last thing you are pretty much a pro at all diets and training now , what do you think of my diet plan and training

  11. #11
    At ur height and weight u havnt really reached ur full potential man. No one reached their full potential at 19 its almost impossible as ur hormones are not fully developed and ur body most likely hasnt finished growing (height wise). Im a year younger than you and im 15 kg heavier than you at about 13% body fat. So if you can get to about 95-96kg and lean at ur height then uve pretty much reached it. No gear will help you be the champion you want to be unless you can develop patience, committment and dedication to bodybuilding. A true champion wont rush to get on hear ASAP but they will do it when the time is right. Phil heath didnt start juicing till 22-23. U have plenty of time bro

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by scotts View Post
    what are your stats? Also claiming bodybuilding is your whole life at 19 is a pretty dam bold statement. If your honestly going to move to the UK just to get your hands on some gear, I think that is the most retarded thing I have ever heard on here.
    Well then call me retarded then, cause I've considered the very same thing for the very same reason. Aside from that though OP, these guys are right, cycling at your age will likely do more damage than good, you should wait until you're 25.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Well then call me retarded then, cause I've considered the very same thing for the very same reason. Aside from that though OP, these guys are right, cycling at your age will likely do more damage than good, you should wait until you're 25.
    your also not 19, and I am pretty sure you have been at it a lot longer than the op.

  14. #14
    nikalexopoulos how tall are you? and iv been full dedicated for years , any thoughts on my diet and training? when the time comes i still will be in the same situation , stuck!!! =/

  15. #15
    i know im never going to be a phil heath , im looking for a build like marco pietrowski his 5,9 at i think 96kg i really dont want to get any taller

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