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Thread: Will androgel make my GFs Clit bigger?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Long Island

    Will androgel make my GFs Clit bigger?

    My GF is a gym rat and is starting on some Androgel 5 mg. She already has a huge clit, and is wondering how long it takes for her clit to grow from taking 5gm packets of androgel per day. She already had a big clit when she was in highschool from what she told me but in her 20,s her meathead ex used to stick her with test and it changed her voice a bit and her clit also grew a little. Shes not suppose to be messing with test but she wont listen to me and likes being jacked up and wants to do some over 8 or 10 weeks. Will it get bigger fast or does that take more than 8 weeks? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Can't believe I beat you to it RAZR!

    This ones taking the express train no stops all the way to the hall of shame

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Funny, but valid question. She will obviously gain male characteristics, at what rate who knows.
    Re size of her genitals, take pics before and after, and PM to Dr. Pepper.
    U 2 can study, and post your conclusion here.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Best thread I've read for a while lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Budss View Post
    Best thread I've read for a while lol
    Wow took u a while to get that first post out, well done.

    Welcome to the forum

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Funny, but valid question. She will obviously gain male characteristics, at what rate who knows.
    Re size of her genitals, take pics before and after, and PM to Dr. Pepper.
    U 2 can study, and post your conclusion here.
    Ok ok if I have too. Lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Oh man!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Flier answered your question, so I dont feel bad about adding mindless non sence....this was a good read and please continue to keep us posted. I will...we will need the stats on this clit. Spare no details. Pics are a great idea..for research purposes of course. Strictly confidential. I will assemble a crew consisting of my right hand, and we will work long and hard to get you the answers you diserve.

  9. #9
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    Why the hell is this hall of shame worthy? because he's asking about female genitalia? Grow up.

    It's an honest question, albeit one I really don't have an answer for.

  10. #10
    Good thread. lol, nothing like a smile in the am. Muscle chick are hot, and the thing I have learned about clits, is I like almost all of them especially the new one. Keep us informed, I would like to know.

  11. #11
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    i would have to say if she already had something similar when taking test, i would def not want to her to use.
    there are other chems u can put ur chick on that she will like that will not change her like test.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    have to agree man. not HOS worthy at all - bit unusual, but certainly not "stoopid" like most if not all the other HOS posts i've read.

  13. #13
    5gms. of even the 1% Androgel is a big big dose for a woman. If I recall...something like 1 gm daily would be more than enough for most women. Yes...she will likely exhibit some unusual characteristics with time on this dosage level. That's as "professional" as I can be given the topic.

  14. #14
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    I'll have to get back to you on this one because I don't have an answer at the moment. I know women are prescribed androgel for HRT..... what that dosage is.... I have no clue.


  15. #15
    Join Date
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    I'll have to get back to you on this one because I don't have an answer at the moment. I know women are prescribed androgel for HRT..... what that dosage is.... I have no clue.


  16. #16
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    You know if you give her enough test her clit wil turn into a penis so andro gel away, then she can do you..

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Why the hell is this hall of shame worthy? because he's asking about female genitalia? Grow up.

    It's an honest question, albeit one I really don't have an answer for.
    Although its sad her meathead ex boyfriend stuck her with test I'm quite sure it wasn't against her will. Still I don't see it as funny. However asking members how big her clit will grow on an 8 week cycle of androgel is funny. Reguardless if it's an honest question or not how is anyone supposed to give an accurate answer?

    Not having a crack, still plenty of respect but I stand by my post about the HOS.
    Last edited by Dr Pepper; 02-15-2012 at 01:02 PM.

  18. #18
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    I would definately end the relationship when she trys to bend you over.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Why the hell is this hall of shame worthy? because he's asking about female genitalia? Grow up.

    It's an honest question, albeit one I really don't have an answer for.
    Very well said...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    Although its sad her meathead ex boyfriend stuck her with test I'm quite sure it wasn't against her will. Still I don't see it as funny. However asking members how big her clit will grow on an 8 week cycle of androgel is funny. Reguardless if it's an honest question or not how is anyone supposed to give an accurate answer?

    Not having a crack, still plenty of respect but I stand by my post about the HOS.
    Yes it is sad someone injected her with test.... and i'm sure it wasn't against her will..... however i'm sure she didn't know wtf she was getting herself into. If clitoral enlargement is a concern for her right now then it's because she probably didn't expect it to grow last time.

    Also.... they (him and her) didn't ask how large her clit would grow anywhere in that post..... they wanted to know how long it would take to grow. So the whole basis for a dumb post is wrong....

    It's shit like this that keeps new people from signing up to the board..... or worse yet..... new members quit and goto another board. From now on if anyone wants to post a quote in the HOS thread..... leave it out of the Q&A and just post the link in the HOS thread in the lounge.


  21. #21
    Join Date
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    much respect Haz, agree 100 percent...

  22. #22
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    No probs mate. Genuinely thought it was funny but obviously I took it the wrong way. Didn't mean to offend anyone or dishearten any new members.
    Last edited by Dr Pepper; 02-15-2012 at 03:05 PM.

  23. #23
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    Dr. P head over to the AR lounge, we got something better than this going on now

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Dr. P head over to the AR lounge, we got something better than this going on now
    Lol no worries brother, coming now

  25. #25
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    great thread, went from educational to funny to serious back to funny.

  26. #26
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Crap, the timing on this was ALMOST right. My wife is going on a progesterone and testosterone cream next week. I have forgotten what her dose is for comparison, and we don't have it back from the pharmacy yet for me to go check the label for the Test dose.

    Any increased amount can cause androgenic effects, but everyone is different.

    I am interested in any answers that pop up.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by mattyx1000 View Post
    My GF is a gym rat and is starting on some Androgel 5 mg. She already has a huge clit, and is wondering how long it takes for her clit to grow from taking 5gm packets of androgel per day. She already had a big clit when she was in highschool from what she told me but in her 20,s her meathead ex used to stick her with test and it changed her voice a bit and her clit also grew a little. Shes not suppose to be messing with test but she wont listen to me and likes being jacked up and wants to do some over 8 or 10 weeks. Will it get bigger fast or does that take more than 8 weeks? Thanks.
    It's possible for a women who uses androgens for her clit to get larger. She must not mind,,some say it makes them quite a bit more sensitive.

  28. #28
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    My last gf had huge labia and clit, it was quiet fun to play with. My current has neither...not as fun

  29. #29
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    LOL wow you learn something new everyday....

  30. #30
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    I guess most guys wouldnt know this answer except yes it will become more sensitive or grow a little. Was hoping one of you had a gf that went on test and you saw first hand her clit get bigger with the cycle she was on. Since its already big i was interested if it will keep growing and thought i would ask the board. Since some of you are so serious about the questions on here i dont see the reason to flame me, im just interested since some of the members have vast knowlege of the bean but i guess not so much of the all mighty vageen, the ultimate muscle in my book and one of the reasons i started getting shredded every summer in the first place. Thanks though to the members who answered with some positive input or a laugh and yes ill be more than happy to send whoever some pics of her magic

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattyx1000 View Post
    My GF is a gym rat and is starting on some Androgel 5 mg. She already has a huge clit, and is wondering how long it takes for her clit to grow from taking 5gm packets of androgel per day. She already had a big clit when she was in highschool from what she told me but in her 20,s her meathead ex used to stick her with test and it changed her voice a bit and her clit also grew a little. Shes not suppose to be messing with test but she wont listen to me and likes being jacked up and wants to do some over 8 or 10 weeks. Will it get bigger fast or does that take more than 8 weeks? Thanks.
    she should know by now that clitoromegaly (like hair growth and vocal cord thickening leading to deepening of voice) is irreversible. there is an individual genetic limit as to how far it will enlarge and this apex usually takes a few years to reach in female to male transgenders who are on T therapy. test will also close growth plates in women but it appears your gf is well beyond this age. so how much will her clit to grow on X amount of test for X amount of weeks? we cannot tell you this as it's individual. she should already have a clue though, as she's been through this before. again, tell her these effects are irreversible.
    Last edited by HitIt; 02-16-2012 at 08:41 AM.

  32. #32
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    Yes, with extra test her clit will grow.

  33. #33
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattyx1000 View Post
    I guess most guys wouldnt know this answer except yes it will become more sensitive or grow a little. Was hoping one of you had a gf that went on test and you saw first hand her clit get bigger with the cycle she was on. Since its already big i was interested if it will keep growing and thought i would ask the board. Since some of you are so serious about the questions on here i dont see the reason to flame me, im just interested since some of the members have vast knowlege of the bean but i guess not so much of the all mighty vageen, the ultimate muscle in my book and one of the reasons i started getting shredded every summer in the first place. Thanks though to the members who answered with some positive input or a laugh and yes ill be more than happy to send whoever some pics of her magic
    I have been surprised at the number of new members that have been laughed at lately when asking perfectly legitimate questions.

    I was interested in knowledgable answers as well.

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