Stats: 5'8", 190lbs, bf 15-17%, Training 20yrs, age 35, 4th cycle , but it's been 6 years since last which was tren a/eq /test prop 10wks
Here is the prospective next cycle.
Low dose Test E 250mg 1-12
Tren E 400mg 1-10
Low dose EQ 200mg-1-12-only to help with the joints
all doses injected twice a week
Saw Palmetto to protect the prostate
PCT---Nolv./Clomid 12-15
Last cycle I ran, I ran letro 0.5mg ed 1-15 and had no issues. Which in your opinions is better to run with this cycle. Had great results with last cycle. Got tired of poking myself ed for 10wks. Think I ran the EQ at 400mg last cycle, can I expect to see any beneficialy resuts at this low of dose, Will it help my joints or Will this cycle effect my joints much? Also what kind of bloat can I expect to see with this stack?