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Thread: Need some help please

  1. #1

    Need some help please

    I'm new to this forum. I posted this yesterday, but haven't got any responses yet. I'll make this one a little more to the point. Im starting to get gyno for the first time, and I'm about to order some letro. My questions were 1: I was really wanting to start a run of anadrol... Would that be ok if I'm taking the letro, or do I need to stay off of everything for awhile if I'm hoping for the slim chance that the letro will get rid of the gyno completely. 2: If I need to stay away from anadrol altogether, can someone suggest a stack for bulking that would be safer for me? I'm not incredibly gyno prone, I've been running stuff for years (tren and test mainly) and this is the first problem, but I'd rather be safe then sorry. I'm holding off for some help before I purchase anything, so could someone please give me a little info. Thanks very much in advance for any help given.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    What are your stats and what compounds are you running at this time??
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    going to need more info, and yes stats..confusing when you say you have ran tren and test for years and have had no gyno issues and are asking for bulking cycles? hmm

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jdh1907 View Post
    I'm new to this forum. I posted this yesterday, but haven't got any responses yet. I'll make this one a little more to the point. Im starting to get gyno for the first time, and I'm about to order some letro. My questions were 1: I was really wanting to start a run of anadrol... Would that be ok if I'm taking the letro, or do I need to stay off of everything for awhile if I'm hoping for the slim chance that the letro will get rid of the gyno completely. 2: If I need to stay away from anadrol altogether, can someone suggest a stack for bulking that would be safer for me? I'm not incredibly gyno prone, I've been running stuff for years (tren and test mainly) and this is the first problem, but I'd rather be safe then sorry. I'm holding off for some help before I purchase anything, so could someone please give me a little info. Thanks very much in advance for any help given.
    I hope your not running anadrol on its own with no test.
    I personally dont rec oral only cycles with no test base.

    fix your self before you add in more stuff.
    I like letro at 0.6-1.2mg(half tab) e3d on cycle when iv needed it, or felt bloat was a bit too much.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    going to need more info, and yes stats..confusing when you say you have ran tren and test for years and have had no gyno issues and are asking for bulking cycles? hmm
    i found it odd that he says he has alot of exp , and asked what he asked.
    but hey ill still try and help.

  6. #6
    Sorry guys, I listed a bit more info in the first post, but shortened this one up a bit when I didn't get responses. I wouldn't say I'm experienced at all really on most stuff, Ive basically always stuck with tren and cyp (tren 100mg eod/cyp 300mg 2xWk) I'll run for 40 days, but then may not cycle again for 6 months. I'm 6' 195ibs and very little body fat... in the past I've always just ran when I got below a certain weight, but now I'm wanting to get over the 200lb mark. I know I haven't been the smartest about doing this stuff in the past, but I'm gettin a bit older and want to try to make sure I don't screw anything up from here on out. To answer the question above, I have always ran test with every cycle, especially with the tren killing my sex drive. I've ran anadrol once and saw amazing gains off of it, and was really wanting to try it again, but after seeing the gyno come up so quick this time, it's got me wanting to be a bit more cautious. I've completely stopped everything at the moment, and I'm just trying to figure out what my best route is from here with the gyno.

  7. #7
    I've always had great results with tren, thats why I never switch it up. Im just getting tired of it ****in with me as far as in the bedroom, so I'm wanting something that will have similar gains in mass without dealing with that problem. That is basically the only reason I'm looking to switch to anadrol or anything else. I hear they are both bad with gyno though, so just wanting some opinions.

  8. #8
    Yu need Letro if you've jus started to develope will crush estro which yu don't want just run some adex
    Edit: Dont need letro*
    Last edited by testfeind123; 02-16-2012 at 08:37 PM.

  9. #9
    This is my first time ever with any form of gyno. Just started about 3-4 weeks ago. I'm assuming its gyno anyways... Hard mass directly beneath left nipple, about the size of a quarter. It swells and shrinks on different days and is tender. From everything I've read it sounds like it must be that. I've read letro is the only AI that stands a slight chance of getting rid of it. Is that true or will adex be fine? I haven't ordered anything yet, but want to asap. I just couldn't find much info on whether it was ok to cycle while on letro, or if it would be counterproductive..

  10. #10
    its crazy for gyno to flare up like that in a few weeks but even at low doses letro can crush estro which can dry out joints inhibit gains and kill your sex drive.estrogen is just as important as test is.they differ by only a carbonyl and a methyl group.i would recommend adex aromasin or nolva if yu already have it on hand for pct..if yu find a good research chem sight you could get one for like 30 bucks

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by testfeind123;5***448
    its crazy for gyno to flare up like that in a few weeks but even at low doses letro can crush estro which can dry out joints inhibit gains and kill your sex drive.estrogen is just as important as test is.they differ by only a carbonyl and a methyl group.i would recommend adex aromasin or nolva if yu already have it on hand for pct..if yu find a good research chem sight you could get one for like 30 bucks

  12. #12
    I appreciate the advice. I did find what appears to be a good research site according to forum reviews, and I had already ordered the letro before I saw the last response just because I wanted to get started on something. I have read alot better stuff about adex though as far as some of the positive side effects go, so I believe Im gonna order some of that as well if it will be just as helpful with the gyno. I'll start the adex and keep the letro on hand just in case I don't see any results from the adex. I'm still missing part of the answer I was looking for though... will I be ok starting a cycle again once I get the AI in my system, or should I lay off for awhile if I'm wanting the gyno to possibly go away? Thanks again.
    Last edited by jdh1907; 02-17-2012 at 08:53 PM.

  13. #13
    An AI like adex should be run on cycle to prevent estrogen related sides. You already have gyno so I would start nolvadex (tamoxifen) at 20mg ED until 10 days after gyno is gone.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel
    Anadrol is some serious stuff and should not be taken lightly.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Anadrol is some serious stuff and should not be taken lightly.
    Indeed. Just for future reference, if you have any issues with gyno (aside from simply not using an AI responsibly), you will probably want to stay away from Anadrol all together. I have always been very fortunate enough to suffer very few side affects from different stacks and compounds, but Anadrol has been the exception x10. It produced more acne, bloating and gyno than I have ever experienced, which I did finally get under control, but again I have typically suffered very few sides. Of course, I'll also say that Anadrol has provided more strength and size gains and faster than anything I have ever experimented with before. We love to say that steroids are not a magic pill, but I'll be damned if I don't look at Anadrol as just that. But as should be presumed, you must be very careful with following proper dose/timeframe/AI protocol to prevent this stuff from wreaking havoc on your body, both inside and out.

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