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Thread: First Cycle Advice.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    First Cycle Advice.

    I am starting my first cycle tomorrow. I am going to be running 500 mg test C and 300 mg of Deca a week. I was just looking for an opinion on injecting once a week or splitting it into two injections like Thursday and Monday. Also where do you prefer to shoot, delt or glute?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    twice a week for injecting.
    I would stick to just test for your first cycle.
    do you have an ai or pct?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I agree with gixxer.

    We can help you out we just need a few things.

    Training Experience?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    I agree with gixxer.

    We can help you out we just need a few things.

    Training Experience?
    I am 23
    165 # Just cut down from 178 the past 2.5 months
    I am not to sure what my bodyfat is right now.
    I have been training seriously for a little over 2 years . I have worked out though since I was 18 just not as into it.

    As for the pct I'm not really sure what I am going to do yet. I have access to clomid, nolva, arimidex. I've just been waiting to buy them. I can get them almost immediately though if I start experiencing any side effects.
    Last edited by Mdg710; 02-15-2012 at 06:46 PM.

  5. #5
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    Dec 2011
    Too young bro. Too young. And you could stand to build more base. Believe me, I understand the appeal and draw of aas, but patience is still a key. Get your diet eat eat, and think about cycling when your a bit older...

  6. #6
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by dumbtoad View Post
    Too young bro. Too young. And you could stand to build more base. Believe me, I understand the appeal and draw of aas, but patience is still a key. Get your diet eat eat, and think about cycling when your a bit older...
    I agree that maybe I am too young butI am still set on doing it regardless of my age.. My diet is great. I quit eating like shit after I realized how I was eating in college was getting me nowhere in the gym. I completely changed the way I eat 2 years ago and have stuck with it. The only reason I am down to 165 right now is because I don't want to be over 200 lbs when I come off this stuff. Ideally I wanted to be around 185 190 so i didnt want to go into this at 178.
    Last edited by Mdg710; 02-15-2012 at 07:05 PM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Mdg710 View Post
    I am still set on doing it regardless of my age. I know I am a bit young and could use more training but still plan on doing this. My diet is great. I lose weight very easily when I want and can put weight on when trying too.
    You're diet is NOT great, 165 - 178 lbs @ 5'-11" is very small. Your diet is insufficient.

  8. #8
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by dumbtoad View Post
    Too young bro. Too young. And you could stand to build more base. Believe me, I understand the appeal and draw of aas, but patience is still a key. Get your diet eat eat, and think about cycling when your a bit older...
    23...25... what's the difference? op you could get bigger without the sauce tho, unless you're like 5% bf

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by mirin_serratus View Post
    23...25... what's the difference? op you could get bigger without the sauce tho, unless you're like 5% bf
    The difference is 2 years (basic elementary math) & an undeveloped Endocrine & HPTA.

  10. #10
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by mirin_serratus View Post
    23...25... what's the difference? op you could get bigger without the sauce tho, unless you're like 5% bf
    Id guess Im around 12-15%. Idk. though. Should probably get that checked out. Im sure I could too. At this point though Im just really set on doing this.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    The choice is yours but the smart thing to do would be wait.And besides you got a ways to go nat before you are ready.You need to vist the diet section.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    You need to do more research and get a good diet and training routine together and you will make gains without AAS.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    You need to do more research and get a good diet and training routine together and you will make gains without AAS.
    2800-3000 calories per day.
    195-210 grams of protein per day.
    336 grams of carbs per day.
    80 grams of fat per day.

    This is what I stuck to every day and was very serious about it when I was trying to put on weight. I found it on awhile back and it worked well for me. After the 1st of the year when I decided I wanted to try running a cycle I decided to cut some weight bc I do not want to weigh over 200 lbs in the end of it.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mdg710 View Post
    2800-3000 calories per day.
    195-210 grams of protein per day.
    336 grams of carbs per day.
    80 grams of fat per day.
    what are your goals? if trynna cut too many carbs, if tryna bulk they cod b good depends on what kinda carbs. i wod post this diet in the nutrition section and let them eat away at it. there are some good advisors. but rite off top, IMO on gear, you'll want to switch the carbs and protein amounts. as u supp u have to up ur protein intake.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    what are your goals? if trynna cut too many carbs, if tryna bulk they cod b good depends on what kinda carbs. i wod post this diet in the nutrition section and let them eat away at it. there are some good advisors. but rite off top, IMO on gear, you'll want to switch the carbs and protein amounts. as u supp u have to up ur protein intake.
    My goal is to put on more muscle but still look lean eventually. I was thinking the same about the carbs as well because although I did put on a good bit of weight using this diet I put on more fat than I wanted which is why I had to cut down. Definitely a good idea to post this in the diet section to see what they say. Thanks. btw About 1/3 of the carbs were glyco maize pre and post workout. The rest were mostly clean complex carbs
    Last edited by Mdg710; 02-15-2012 at 08:00 PM.

  16. #16
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    Dec 2011
    lol its kinda weird, that the two sections rely stay away and separate. but sometimes u get the old schoolers who don't like wen nutrition stuff is over here, or when gear stuff is n the nutrition section.

    once u go over there and post lemme no, ill give more nutrition advice. as far as this post goes, ideally wait the 2 years. but if ur mind is set on doing it ur gonna do it, no matter what nobody says. stick to just the test first, c how u react. then second cycle add more compounds. u may find out that test is all u actually need to grow like a weed. all that other stuff gets u cut, hard, veiny etc. but test is wat u need/want for true mass big and tight. answer this question: are you trynna look like a body builder or a physique model?

  17. #17
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    I'm telling you man, its a bad idea. You're going to regret it in the short and long term. Swimming down to 168 because you don't want to break 200? I'm doubting you'll gain 30 pounds in a cycle. Just think about it man. Starting young sounds appealing, but it'll damage you later.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    answer this question: are you trynna look like a body builder or a physique model?
    Definitely more towards a physique model. I have no interest in ever being as big as a body builder.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by dumbtoad View Post
    I'm telling you man, its a bad idea. You're going to regret it in the short and long term. Swimming down to 168 because you don't want to break 200? I'm doubting you'll gain 30 pounds in a cycle. Just think about it man. Starting young sounds appealing, but it'll damage you later.
    Well considering the unhealthy things I did to my body the first 2 years of college running a small cycle does not seem like the worst. I do however think I am going to hold out on this deca for the time being. From what I've read and the advice given I think I will do just fine on the test c .

  20. #20
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Mdg710

    Well considering the unhealthy things I did to my body the first 2 years of college running a small cycle does not seem like the worst. I do however think I am going to hold out on this deca for the time being. From what I've read and the advice given I think I will do just fine on the test c .
    Heard. Definitely just do test first.

  21. #21
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    Dec 2011
    physique guys don't use gear. the gear is for us big boys. bodybuilders. most of the physique pros ino use sups like win, var, clen---not test, deca etc. but thas wat ino from a cpl guys at my gym who got there pro cards for physique and not bodybuilding.
    bodybuilding is bout being big and tight. muscles everywhere. ever notice how physiques guys don't have leg muscles? thas why they wear board shorts lol.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell
    ever notice how physiques guys don't have leg muscles? thas why they wear board shorts lol.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    physique guys don't use gear. the gear is for us big boys. bodybuilders. most of the physique pros ino use sups like win, var, clen---not test, deca etc. but thas wat ino from a cpl guys at my gym who got there pro cards for physique and not bodybuilding.
    bodybuilding is bout being big and tight. muscles everywhere. ever notice how physiques guys don't have leg muscles? thas why they wear board shorts lol.
    LOl ok I guess I'm looking for somewhere in the middle. I mean i def wanna be big just not freakishly huge like a bodybuilder.

  24. #24
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    Dec 2011
    get ur diet macros, and take it from their. but in some work. ur 5'11" 178 lbs. google angel cordero ifbb pro.---thas one of the guys ino who got a physique card, at the show pic that'll pop up--he weighed in at 175. and he is 5'10"....very small...but thas a physique guy.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    physique guys don't use gear. the gear is for us big boys. bodybuilders. most of the physique pros ino use sups like win, var, clen---not test, deca etc. but thas wat ino from a cpl guys at my gym who got there pro cards for physique and not bodybuilding.
    bodybuilding is bout being big and tight. muscles everywhere. ever notice how physiques guys don't have leg muscles? thas why they wear board shorts lol.
    I completely disagree with you here. Many physique guys use gear they are just going for a different look. Not to mention winstrol, anavar, and clen are not supplements. The first two are steroids and the clen was designed for breathing disorders.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    I completely disagree with you here. Many physique guys use gear they are just going for a different look. Not to mention winstrol, anavar, and clen are not supplements. The first two are steroids and the clen was designed for breathing disorders.
    physique guys use sups like win, to harden and shed water, var to get that veiny look and also lose fat. use clen as a thermo to destroy fat on the inside and keep core temp up. they were all originally created to help or fix some type of disorder. but like i said, in my personal live i don't know any physique pros who use test/deca or any sups like that. this is what I've been told brah. so I'm open to your disagreement.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    get ur diet macros, and take it from their. but in some work. ur 5'11" 178 lbs. google angel cordero ifbb pro.---thas one of the guys ino who got a physique card, at the show pic that'll pop up--he weighed in at 175. and he is 5'10"....very small...but thas a physique guy.
    Hard to believe thats only 175 lbs. Looks good though. Something like that with legs is what Im shooting for. No i am not 178 anymore Im 165 if that.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    physique guys use sups like win, to harden and shed water, var to get that veiny look and also lose fat. use clen as a thermo to destroy fat on the inside and keep core temp up. they were all originally created to help or fix some type of disorder. but like i said, in my personal live i don't know any physique pros who use test/deca or any sups like that. this is what I've been told brah. so I'm open to your disagreement.
    You keep referring to winny, var, and clen as supplements. They are not supplements. They are anabaolic steroids. Using winstrol alone shuts down natural testosterone production, therefore many that arent looking to bulk with it will run a low dose short estered test. I dont think you will find many physique guys running large doses of any compound, insulin, or anything else to add much bulk, but many use steroids

  29. #29
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    yea my falt. i mixed up my numbers. but that guys looks good big or small. you just gotta sort out what you wanna do and stick to it. he is my x-pt, i started with him. not knowing there was a difference between the two, so i always told him i wanted to be lean and big like him. then i found out he was a physique guy. I didn't wana be a physique guy but bodybuilder. with boulder shoulders, pecs bigger than shit, muscles on my back like a raging bull, legs so muscular they chaff. I don't wana b super big and humongous like todays champs, but big like "the oak". (arnold).

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    You keep referring to winny, var, and clen as supplements. They are not supplements. They are anabaolic steroids. Using winstrol alone shuts down natural testosterone production, therefore many that arent looking to bulk with it will run a low dose short estered test. I dont think you will find many physique guys running large doses of any compound, insulin, or anything else to add much bulk, but many use steroids
    hey ur rite my man, i use the term supplement freely/loosely. as in supplementing it b/c can't find/get in food. but ur rite on that one. they use a lower dose of anything.

    lol my falt my falt. using the word sups is just a habit from gym talk so me and "my team" can talk bout gear without everybody knowing whats going on

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