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  1. #1
    concept's Avatar
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    Question 2nd cycle .. need help

    hey guys,

    I have been trying to figure out what my next cycle should be, so here i am for help. First and foremost, thanks in advance for for replies whether good or bad i appreciate it. I'm looking for help running a lean mass/cutting cycle which is what attracted me to the following substances, i do not want to look like a frige , i'm more interested in a fit lean look which is why my training and my goals are the way they are. I know everyone uses the excuse, but i truly am a hard gainer, my body just takes for ever to change which is what turning me on to AAS in the first place. So thanks for the help. Here is what i plan on running

    1 - 13 test prop 100mg EOD
    1 - 10 EQ 200 MG EOD
    6 - 12 Anavar 60 MG ED (Should i do this 1 - 7 or 6 - 12 and should i do 80mg)

    1 - 14 arimadex 2x a week .5 mg
    3 - 14 HCG 250 IU 2x a week
    - my cycle will end on a frid ... on the following monday(starting week 14) i will take my last shot at 500 IU at once and start pct 4 days later..need to start pct due to prop only needing 3 days after to start pct
    14 - 18 clomid 50/50/25/25
    14 - 18 nolva 40/20/20/20 (if i do 40 for 2 weeks.. it kills my dick)

    height: 5'11
    Weight: 198
    BF: 15 - 17%

    these are in the order in which i care about them and hope to see the most improvement in
    - dropping BF
    - strength
    - performance

    5x a week - Cross-fit high intensity training for 20 - 40 mins
    3x a week - weight lifting

    - My cross-fit workouts for the most part are high reps med weight high intensity
    - For the lifting i do crash sets which consist of 15x 10x 5x increasing weight as a warm-up starting 50% of my max. Then doing 6x 5x 4x with only 30 sec rest in between with 80% - 90% of my 1 rep max
    the goal is to go heavy enough to not be able to do 1 more after the last set of 4

    only one, but had to stop early on the 10th week due to arm injury
    deca + Sustaplex 325

    i follow the paleo diet pretty good with the exception of 1 or two meals in the weekend

    - 1 handed snatch 135
    - dead lift 405
    - bench 225
    - squad 315
    - run 1 mile 5:58
    - power clean 225
    - shoulder press 215

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    You already have one cycle at 23 years old and i recommend you hold off on another till you're about 25 to reduce the chances of damaging your endocrine and hpta. You didn't mention PCT. Did you do one after your previous cycle?

  3. #3
    concept's Avatar
    concept is offline New Member
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    Yeah did HCG through out 4 - 10 week as well as followed by nolva 40/40/20/20 .. hehe ur right about the htpa .. i had hard shutdown after i got off. Which is why i dont want to do deca this time around. thanks for the advice.. its been about 6 months since the cycle, would this be a good cycle ?

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i agree with pete,
    but know its not good. eq is a waste in most opinion. And even if you were to use it 10 weeks is too short
    your pct timing is off. It starts 3 days after your last injection of test
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Op pct starting times vary with which test you are running. And I would also hold off for a few.more years. U didn't bounce back quick u said. Being young that's not a good sign

  6. #6
    concept's Avatar
    concept is offline New Member
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    Feb 2012
    thank you all very much. I'm going to wait another year... i guess dicana here i come

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