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Ar-r is the easiest.. Pharmacy's can be a bitch.. I looked up law's in my state and they clearly state that a prescription is NOT required for slin pins.
With that being said, I've been to quite a few diff pharm's around here and every one requires a prescription for slin pins.
Typical scenario, keep in mind I am well spoken n typically go in in my work clothes (suit n tie).
Me: I'd like to purchase a box of BD u100 insulin syringes.
Them: Do you have a prescription?
Me: No
Them: What is your reason for purchasing them.
Me: My gf is diabetic and has run out of syringes.
Them: I'm sorry sir, you need a prescription.
Me: I was under the impression that in the state of xx a prescription is not required.
Them: Let me get/ask my supervisor.
Them: You are right, however, company policy requires one. (this answer usually varies n I get some type of bs response)