Ok guys as you can tell im new to the forum. I have been stalking this forum for about 6 months now doing research on cycle, PCT, and testimonials. A Little about myself: 25 yo male 5'10" 185# bf15-17%. Ive been weightlifing for the past 7 years on a pretty regular routine. I am on a structured diet but unfortunately i couldnt really describe it because i am told what to eat by my training partner. (yes he is at every meal because i am in a remote undisclosed location for the next year) I plan on starting my first cycle in a few months. I say a few months because i am still hitting the cardio hard to lower my bf i would like to be around 13. Ive decided after researching on here that i am going to do test-e for my cycle for 12 weeks.
Week 1-12 test-e 250mg every 3.5 days (monday morning, thursday night)
Week 1-12 .25mg arimidex every injection
Week 13-15 nothing
Week 16 nolvadex 40mg ED Clomid 50mg ED
Week 17 nolvadex 40mg ED Clomid 50mg ED
Week 18 nolvadex 20mg ED
Week 19 nolvadex 20mg ED
I have done alot of reading on this forum. I have learned alot but also been confused a lot by all of the options out there. I'm very cautious when it comes to taking pills and things of that nature so i am trying to as much research as possible to mitigate any and all adverse reactions because getting big now isnt more important than staying healthy for the rest of my life. Im looking at this cycle to give me a boost and get to the size i want to be at. (roughly 210-220 at 10-12%bf). Im open to any and all suggestions you guys may have. Thanks in advance.