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Hey guys, First off Im glad I found this site!!! I have a problem and cant seem to find a answer. I cant find anything locally but Tren, this will be my first cycle if I go through witht it but everything says no to tren for a newbie. My source only deals with it being it is the best and gives the best results. Im from a small town (3,000 people) and I dont know anyone else nor do I have the means of finding anyone else to deal with. He claims to have been on it for 5 plus years with no bad results or side affects. Ive asked and asked all the questions I can think of and he claims him and a few other people can attest to the results and i shouldnt worry being I would do a "mild" cycle. I work with the guy and trust him but everything im reading is telling me no. I really thought he was smart and knew what he was doing until the last month or so of research and reading. Here are a few questions i asked him that make me question his safty.
Q: shoud i stack with test?
A: no, Tren is all you need for what your wanting
Q what side affects?
A mild acne, that is all
Q what about PCT?
A when your done with the cycle, go to walmart and get an anti estrogen that they sell women that are lactating to dry up their milk. (i can see the laughs now)
Q how often and how much do i use?
A 1cc per week for 5 weeks, off two weeks then 1cc for two more weeks.
Q Anything bad happen after coming off? sex life, feeling bad, moody.. etc.
A no, i feel good everytime and no longterm adverse affects.
I asked more questions but those were the main ones. Like I said, ive known the guy and work with him and he seems healthy. He says he hasnt had any gyno or any signs of it. He claims its cause he doesnt abuse it. He does the cycle I listed 3 times a year and claims his body dont shut down test being he's not on a lot at a time nor long enough to affect him. Is this true? He does have good results while on but not huge. Ive been in the gym for 3 plus years now and am getting tired of working hard and watching him blow by me at will when he is on tren. I have a good athletic build but I want a bit more and was thinking maybe I could do this one time for a jump start and stop after a cycle. Again I have no other means of getting test or any other type of gear so its a tough decision. Im also reading lots of conflicting things about PCT that I would love to have cleared up, for example: Ive read clomid and Tren is a no no, to use nolvadex. Then ive seen to use HCG during the cylcle and others say wait unitl after. Also to clarify, im sure this is not the HCG that im seeing for womens wieght loss and hormone therapy right? I have tons more questions but like I said the more I read and research the more confused im getting. Before I end please dont bash me for not researching, I have and I am. Im just not getting any clear answers or a good direction to go. Any help would be awesome.
The Trenbolone is 75mg 10ml made by VIOXX
my stats are 6" 185, 33 years old, Good shape, good BP in the gym often and my last blood work was good (2 months ago)