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  1. #1
    TUnit is offline Associate Member
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    Houston, TX

    what do you think?

    So it's been over 3 years since I've done a cycle and I'm looking to do another but having trouble deciding what I want to run. For my stats, I am 28 yrs old, 6'1 at around 210, and I'd say maybe 15% bf. I've done several cycles in my past, using test, deca , tren , eq, and dbol . For this next cycle I want to put on 15 lean lbs of muscle with a lot of vascularity. Here are the cycle I'm thinking...

    test/eq/masteron E

    test/deca/masteron E


    I'll be running the test for 15 weeks at around 600mgs. I'm really wanting to try the masteron because I hear a lot of great things about it and hear it hardens you up really good, but I've also read you should take it with like 10% bf to see any gains from it. My concern with the deca is deca dick and the bloat and I'm worried it would take away from my vascularity, so that's why I thought to stack it with masteron since masteron acts as an AI (i will have arimidex on hand for cycle). Any advice or suggestions would be awesome!

  2. #2
    WSC786 is offline Associate Member
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    What u r trying to do is practically impossible all at once. You want to put on 15 lbs of lean muscle and become more vascular a.k.a leaner.
    I don't believe u r gonna be able to do both the same time. Bulk then cut is a more reasonable way to accomplish your goals.
    If u want to get leaner u have to be calorie deficient, which means ur not gonna be able to put on 15lbs.
    So it's up to u but bulking would be the obvious starting point. If it was me before I started bulking I would get bf down to 12% so that you don't have to work any harder when u do decide to cut.

  3. #3
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would not suggest Deca for a lean bulk and a vascular look. Especially at 15% bodyfat.

  4. #4
    BigGuy90's Avatar
    BigGuy90 is offline Associate Member
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    Agree with the bulking then cutting cycle. If you lose fat and get dryer, you won't even need to gain 15 lbs because obviously muscle weighs more than fat, and you will look better. Some of it will be bloat anyways if you try and get bigger. Try researching a clen cycle or incorporate some var in with your masteron and test

  5. #5
    TUnit is offline Associate Member
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    Houston, TX
    I've tried clen before and didn't really like it. I thought about trying t3. You think I'd get too much fat with the test/deca /eq cycle even if I diet good?

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