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  1. #1
    jweb is offline New Member
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    Trying to decide 2nd cycle!! Help Wanted!!

    I am 41 years old this will be my second cycle. I am 6'7" tall weigh 268 lbs have 12% body fat. My first cycle i did Test p 100mg 1cc eod and had good results. I did a good pct and didnt loose much at all. This cycle i want to gain more muscle and do some more cutting. I am thinking about taking test p 1.5cc eod along with tren 1cc eod. I am really worried about the tren and am just thinking about taking 2cc of test p 100mg eod but i want better results than my first cycle. Which would be better for me?? Or what would be a good 2nd cycle??

  2. #2
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    800 mg/wk of Test. will yield some very impressive results, given your diet & training regime are in check. What do you have for an on cycle AI.? What is your PCT plan?

  3. #3
    jweb is offline New Member
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    Jun 2011
    I have nolva, Clomid and hcg any other suggestions

  4. #4
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    HCG will be good to use on cycle (don't use HCG for PCT) to combat testicular atrophy & help with recovery during PCT, but you should get some Arimadex or Aromasin to run on cycle also, especially running a high dose of Test.

  5. #5
    jweb is offline New Member
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    So you would stay away from tren

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Yeah, 200mgs of prop eod should do the trick and sounds good to me. Sounds like you're aware of some of the sides associated w/tren . Insomnia, night sweats, increased aggression to name a few.

  7. #7
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    ^^^ Agreed. Just stick with the Test. You'll see some damn good results at that dose.

  8. #8
    jweb is offline New Member
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    Yea been doing alot of reading one good thing it really really works especially stacked with test. So you would just do the 2cc of test p 100 mg eod and take nolva while im on cycle cause i didnt take anything while on last time and take Arimadex or Aromasin

  9. #9
    jweb is offline New Member
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    what is arimadex for

  10. #10
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jweb View Post
    Yea been doing alot of reading one good thing it really really works especially stacked with test. So you would just do the 2cc of test p 100 mg eod and take nolva while im on cycle cause i didnt take anything while on last time and take Arimadex or Aromasin
    Keep the Nolva for PCT. Use Arimadex or Aromasin on cycle, the are AI's.

  11. #11
    jweb is offline New Member
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    ok thanks 2cc of test p isnt too much for a second cycle cause i can cut it back to 1.5 and would u just run 2cc for the whole 10 week cycle or do less for some weeks and do more for others

  12. #12
    joeblogs is offline New Member
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    HCG is better during cycle than PCT? thanks

  13. #13
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    800 mg/wk a week is a bit much, but I think you'll be happy with it. Just keep a close eye on your vitals, BP, cholesterol, & such. And don't disregard the on cycle AI, its a very important component to safe cycling, especially at high doses.

  14. #14
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeblogs View Post
    HCG is better during cycle than PCT? thanks

  15. #15
    jweb is offline New Member
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    having trouble finding a place to buy Arimidex any suggestions

  16. #16
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jweb View Post
    having trouble finding a place to buy Arimidex any suggestions

  17. #17
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    can i ask a follow-up question?

    it seems like a common practice to up the dose on a second cycle. i am wondering ... is it compulsory? if someone follows the standard pct and wait an appropriate time off cycle, the body and the HPTA and the receptors should have returned to normal state. what will happen if a second cycle is started at exactly the same dose as the first? most likely the gains will be less, but will there still be some gains?

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