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Thread: curious about TNE

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Planet Earth

    curious about TNE

    Just curious, I don't plan on running it but have any of you used TNE (Test no ester)? Heard of people using it as a "prework out", during the work out it suppose to give you tons of energy and crazy pumps, I just couldn't see it being that good for you as you couldn't maintain balanced bloodlevels. I could be wrong.

    Anyone have any personal accounts with TNE?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I've used test suspension, which although was suspended in oil, should be for all intents and purposes the same thing that you're referring to. I used it to frontload a test/deca cycle for the initial 2 weeks (then switching to prop, injecting 250mg cypionate twice a week from day 1 of the cycle) and was very happy with the results. I injected 100mg every day around 3-4 hours prior to workout and felt the "peak" for around 6-8 hours. Not only did it prove to make my workouts incredibly intense right from the beginning of the cycle (think 5 weeks into a test cyp cycle), but after just under a week I began to feel the effects of the test every day upon waking until sleep, and I slept like a baby on valium and ProWrestler China's breast milk. Many people recommend injecting suspension multiple times a day, but I did not and I can tell you that at no point did I ever feel a crash, understanding of course that what you feel is not the same as what blood work would show. At any rate, my experience was top-notch and I would not hesitate to implement this compound again should I find another reliable source. By the way, I'm not fishing for a source and am not interested in any advice as to where to find this. As far as balanced blood levels are concerned, however, it occurs to me that using suspension in conjunction with light injections of prop could be very beneficial for this purpose, especially if you're like me and have no qualms with injecting different esters on a frequent basis for the sake of maintaining equal test levels.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    bbrian test suspension in oil is called tne (tne) suspension is in water, and yeah i would state everything bbrian did. good for preworkout, gives a boost of energy/strength/endurance. u feel no crash altho ur blood levels will raise and drop. shouldnt be to bad depending on how much ur taking, worst ull see is some acne. bbrian if u liked TNE try halo

  4. #4
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by markdbg View Post
    bbrian test suspension in oil is called tne (tne) suspension is in water, and yeah i would state everything bbrian did. good for preworkout, gives a boost of energy/strength/endurance. u feel no crash altho ur blood levels will raise and drop. shouldnt be to bad depending on how much ur taking, worst ull see is some acne. bbrian if u liked TNE try halo
    Halo? I've never researched it but I will now. Thanks for the advice brother.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The Murder Mitten
    I use half tne half prop. Tne is not very good pre workout imo, there is a big difference between tne and water based suspension in terms of half life. Normally when you hear someone talking about using test pre workout they mean water based test suspension as the half life is very short. When you suspend something in oil, even something with no ester it will take the half life of whatever oil you put it in. There's no need to shoot tne multiple times ed, once is fine. I have personally never noticed anything at all from taking tne pre workout. Halo and methyl 5-aa are another story though. I would like to try suspension pre workout sometime as I have heard good things about it.

  6. #6
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    The Murder Mitten
    I'd be curious to know what kind of absorption rates different oils and carriers have, maybe someone can shed some light on this. I was just doing a little research and didn't come up with much. I suspend my tne in ethyl oleate, not sure if the absorption is slower with this or not.

  7. #7
    alex, did you notice if tne throws off your endogenous level of Test by showing sides quickly, like acne? Is tne sides controllable? I've never tried tne but it sounds intriguing.

  8. #8
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    The Murder Mitten
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    alex, did you notice if tne throws off your endogenous level of Test by showing sides quickly, like acne? Is tne sides controllable? I've never tried tne but it sounds intriguing.
    I've never had any problems pinning it ed, sides aren't bad at all. I use a 50/50 blend of prop and tne and I feel it in about 3-4 days, levels always seem stable as far as I can tell.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    I'd be curious to know what kind of absorption rates different oils and carriers have, maybe someone can shed some light on this. I was just doing a little research and didn't come up with much. I suspend my tne in ethyl oleate, not sure if the absorption is slower with this or not.
    I'm sure different oils would slightly change absorption rates if the oils had different viscosity rates. Ever try a tne blend like tne w/dbol in oil its a 50/50mg /10ml blend

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    great thread..never done tne, I have done prop, e, and c. am I gathering that I mixture of prop and tne is a good combo

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