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Thread: Starting Cycle This Week

  1. #1

    Starting Cycle This Week

    hey guys so im starting up my cycle this week finally really pumped. Its going to be 1.5cc of test e twice per week and 1cc of deca twice per week. I'm probably going to have quite a bit of gear left over and i plan on running my cycle 12-14 weeks as it is my first. Now the thing is I want to bulk up for the duration of this cycle but I want to cut shortly after I am done...would you guys say there is anything wrong with maybe doing something like a bridge when I'm done and doing just low doses of test while I cut for about a month after and then hitting pct when im done?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    What are your stats?

    Cycle exp?
    Training exp?

    Welcome to the forum mate

  3. #3
    26...5'9.5"...185lbs...first for 4 is excellent although this bulk got kinda messy!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    This is a bad idea for many reasons but first answer Dr. Pecker's request and as well, include the milligrams of your test and deca. Milliliters and cc's don't tell us anything.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by lifthardgethard View Post
    26...5'9.5"...185lbs...first for 4 is excellent although this bulk got kinda messy!
    But when you registered this month, you put that your age was 25. I sensed that this was going to lack scruples when I looked at your profile for some reason. Must be that Jedi training coming into fruition at last. Anyway, what do you mean by "this bulk got kinda messy"?

  6. #6
    now I know this is going to sound high but when I had a chat with my doctor who is monitoring me he said that it wasn't bad to run it this way saying hes seen many people run the same way. I still though it was high but most people are telling me it can be done. Each ml contains 250mg.

  7. #7
    oop made a typo I am 25 my got messy in terms of I put a little more bodyfat on then I usually do but definitely some great gains.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by lifthardgethard View Post
    now I know this is going to sound high but when I had a chat with my doctor who is monitoring me he said that it wasn't bad to run it this way saying hes seen many people run the same way. I still though it was high but most people are telling me it can be done. Each ml contains 250mg.
    What you're doing is very similar to TRT and is an absolute horrible idea for someone your age unless you're already dealing with natural low test levels...very low. If your doctor does not have reason to prescribe TRT due to low T then he is giving you terrible advice in the first place. When you finish what you're going to be facing is a very difficult task of raising your natural testosterone levels to normal, if at all, and even if you do use HCG, because if you use HCG for that long I would presume that there will be an excellent chance of desensitizing your hormone production. This is your first cycle, you should not be concerned with bridging cycles with low doses of testosterone, but instead doing it by correct protocol. Cycle 500mg of test BY ITSELF for 12 weeks, wait two weeks, begin 4 weeks of PCT, then take 18 weeks off before performing your next cycle. At that point adding deca should be perfectly fine, granted your body reacts normally to the test.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by lifthardgethard View Post
    oop made a typo I am 25 my got messy in terms of I put a little more bodyfat on then I usually do but definitely some great gains.
    Easy to do and I wouldn't sweat it. Just increase your cardio and diet correctly to bring your body fat % back down to around 12 to 14%, then start your cycle.

  10. #10
    awesome man...thank you for some great advice...yeah I got sick a few times this year too so I had to fight the flu and added more calories to my diet so I wouldnt lose too much while I was at home resting and not in the gym (a terrible time really). Yea you're probably right.

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