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  1. #1
    DGK is offline Member
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    Apr 2011

    Always pinned glutes, wanna change it up

    so besides the glutes ik i can pin other areas. Was just wondering what size needles ppl use for diff areas. Like i wouldnt want to use a 1 1/2 pin for shoulders right? Delts, biceps, thighs etc.. lets hear your preferences.

  2. #2
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Dec 2011
    Most people prefer to use 1" needles for muscles other than the glutes, and sometimes even shorter (5/8") for muscles such as triceps, biceps, lats, calves and pectorals. I personally only pin glutes, multiple points of the thighs, and eventually delts. I use 23g, 1.5" needles for all injection sites, but simply leave half of an inch above the skin when I pin my thighs and delts. I see no need to make my needle selection any more complicated than it already is.

  3. #3
    Gym_ is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Anywhere that you have a decent size muscle .. i hate having shots in my ass they hurt like a mother fuker.. shoulders if my fav but ya cant keep doing that so quads, bi's, tri's even tits .. 23 - 25 gage 1" pin you can get away with ...

  4. #4
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Gym_ View Post
    Anywhere that you have a decent size muscle .. i hate having shots in my ass they hurt like a mother fuker.. shoulders if my fav but ya cant keep doing that so quads, bi's, tri's even tits .. 23 - 25 gage 1" pin you can get away with ...
    So funny to me how many people hate pinning their glutes. I put 1cc of test into my right glute about 6 hours ago and still have no feeling from it at all, nor did I feel it going in. Hell, glutes are the least painful injection for me hands down. I guess it just goes to show how different people's bodies are.

  5. #5
    Gym_ is offline Banned
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    Man i scream like a little bitch getting doses in my ass... fukin kills.. cant sit or walk .. ill prob try it again in a few months ( maybe lol ) but i thing i would Rather stick it almost anywhere but

  6. #6
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gym_ View Post
    Man i scream like a little bitch getting doses in my ass... fukin kills.. cant sit or walk .. ill prob try it again in a few months ( maybe lol ) but i thing i would Rather stick it almost anywhere but
    Well, if that was the case for me everytime, I'd just avoid it too. Have you injected your glutes many times over the years?

    In the beginning I was scared to pin anywhere but shoulders, eventually tried the thighs, but after researching started with glutes and ended up using them more consistently than any other site because of how comfortable it has always been for me.

  7. #7
    Gym_ is offline Banned
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    I haven't used juice any were so far but my shoulder .. BUT any other injections like tetanus or flue shots or what ever that Ive had in the ass is a killer and there water shots too.. oww man penacilin shot in the ass cheek for throat infection... i swaer i almost cryed doe sevral days after that one ...
    Having big heap of oil siting in one of my ass cheeks would not be pleasant ...

    Ive shot my self in the quads quite a few times with adrenalin due to having bad allergic reactions and don't really feel anything at all .. might be diff with some oil thou we shall see in a few weeks .. In the calf was fine wist i was doing it but the next day it was sore as hell .. but that may have been from slamming a Epi pen full on into the calf too a buit.. and thous epi pens have a pretty big spike on them i think about 1.5 inch
    Anyway i think we may have jacked this poor bastard's thread here... SORRY MATE !!!

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    23g x 1' i use for quads, delts, tri's, traps and glutes. Have used 1.5' for glutes but ran out one day and used 1' and everything went fine so i continued to use them.

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