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  1. #1
    ashapir3 is offline New Member
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    need advice on third cycle - hairloss prone

    Hey guys,

    Its been about 18 months since my last cycle and I want to get back on it for summer. I am looking to gain some mass but more to shred up and get that solid toned look. I have done 2 cycles in the past 1 was just test prop and the second one was test prop/tren ace/winni ... The tren and prop combo was an amazing combo and I loved the results.. however I experienced some noticeable hair thinning afterwards.

    My question is, what do you guys recommend for a cycle for me that will have the most minimum affects on my hair loss, Also at the end of my tren cycle I did experience some hardening under my nipple but it went away with letro, so something to keep in mind. If it wasnt for the hair loss I would love to do test and tren again but its not worth the sacrifice to me.
    do you guys have any suggestions on cycles?

  2. #2
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    what are the rest of your stats and your goals from the cycle?

  3. #3
    ashapir3 is offline New Member
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    im 5'7" weigh 175lbs around 12%bf.. I would like to cut down in bf to be toned and put on about 6-8lbs of mass.
    I did an amaeture contest for a charity (that is when i was on the tren ) so I know my body well and know how to diet perfectly. Just want advice on a good stack that will give me good results with minimal sides (i know kind of counter intuitive)

  4. #4
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    maybe use anavar instead of tren . 80-100mg if your 12% then it should work well. It is not as strong as Tren but a good tradeoff.

  5. #5
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    personally I would run prop 8 weeks at 75mg per day and var 8 weeks at whatever dose you can afford 60-100mg day

  6. #6
    ashapir3 is offline New Member
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    I am on propecia right now, do you think the propecial will completely block any potential hair loss i can get on a prop/var cycle?

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Get some BW done pre-cycle. Check your DHT level. DHT is the most potent androgen in our bodies. Test converts to DHT everywhere in the body other than skeletal muscle via the 5 Alpha Reductase Enzyme. 5AR is everywhere and has a high concentration in the scalp, thus hair loss if your prone to it. Propecia and remedies such as that can/will work but can also come with their own sides such as low libido. Saw Palmetto can help with it btw.

  8. #8
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    OP, whats your age?

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
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  10. #10
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    maybe use anavar instead of tren. 80-100mg if your 12% then it should work well. It is not as strong as Tren but a good tradeoff.
    Anavar is not even close to being a trade off to TREN !!!! Tren is one of, if not, one the most potent and harshest steroids out there, so please, dont give advise like that.

  11. #11
    felk87 is offline Banned
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    I think its funny how everyone says var will only work at 80-100 mg per day, im currently in week 2 of 30 mg var and im already getting shredded, veins all over sticking out, plus my muscles look more shapped and abbs are showing more so either i am superman, or all that think var is only good at 80-100 are full of poop

  12. #12
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashapir3
    I am on propecia right now, do you think the propecial will completely block any potential hair loss i can get on a prop/var cycle?
    I would get off that stuff personally. Propecia has many significant side effects. There are class action law suits right now against the manufacturers. Food for thought.

  13. #13
    felk87 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by swm1972

    I would get off that stuff personally. Propecia has many significant side effects. There are class action law suits right now against the manufacturers. Food for thought.
    Yeah so do 70% of prescription drugs, stop trying to scare people when you dont have any knowledge on the drug...op i take propecia for 4 years and counting, so far no sides for me, but the downside is it only helps with test, var is already converted to dht and derived from it so the propecia will not be able to block the convertion to dht...but you can use nioxin, or nizoral and var should be an issue, i shedded a bit the first few days of var but now im good. I personally wouldnt recommend taking propecia as its another drug you must commit to, but it does work and it can have sides just like any other otc or prescription drug sold. Make the smart choice

  14. #14
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by felk87

    Yeah so do 70% of prescription drugs, stop trying to scare people when you dont have any knowledge on the drug...op i take propecia for 4 years and counting, so far no sides for me, but the downside is it only helps with test, var is already converted to dht and derived from it so the propecia will not be able to block the convertion to dht...but you can use nioxin, or nizoral and var should be an issue, i shedded a bit the first few days of var but now im good. I personally wouldnt recommend taking propecia as its another drug you must commit to, but it does work and it can have sides just like any other otc or prescription drug sold. Make the smart choice
    Give me a break. To take something that has been linked to impotence, sterility, depression..... to combat hair loss doesn't strike you as a terrible risk to reward ratio? Google propecia side effects and read up on it. There are plenty of first hand accounts out there from people that have had their lives ruined by this compound. Many meds have Issues but few as drastic as these. And you haven't a clue as to what my experience with this medicine has been.

    18.5% of men experience impotence that in some cases doesn't go away once the medicine use is discontinued. Over 2% of men experience gyno caused directly by this medicine. The FDA has warned that use of this medication can lead to an elevated risk of high grade prostate cancer. Just because you haven't experienced problems, it's ridiculous to assume others won't. Especially considering the number of victims.

    OP. seriously research this medicine before you just assume it is the answer to your prayers. The other guy said 70% of meds have class action lawsuits. That's a random number pulled out of the air. Most meds have some sides. That is true. But not many of them have class action lawsuits due to the problems associated with their use. Not many drugs cause permanent issues that do not go away even after treatment is discontinued.

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