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Thread: Cycle question

  1. #1
    gettinbigger76 is offline New Member
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    Cycle question

    Hey there, quick question.. I am a prototypical hard gainer.. I've ran 5 cycles in the last 3 years. I haven't run any gear since August '11.. My last cycle was as follows. Although, I'm pretty sure it was bunk or severely underdosed so I didn't run any Pct.

    12 weeks
    600mg Sust wk- ed injections
    400mg Tren wk- ed injections

    My question is this.. Being that it's been a while, would a test E cycle alone give me any significant gains being that I've always run a minimum of 2-3 compounds??

    Height- 5'9
    Weight- 175
    BF %- 13

    Would like to get to 190lbs / 6-7% bf

    Thx guys

  2. #2
    titan13 is offline Junior Member
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    Hey man would you mind posting up your diet so we could have a look? Have you by chance had any serious injuries or illness in the last few years?

  3. #3
    gettinbigger76 is offline New Member
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    Hey Brotha- thx for the reply. Thankfully,No serious injurys to report. My diet is as follows.

    Breakfast- 5 egg whites on w/ toast. Bowl of oatmeal, followed by weight gainer/ protein shake

    Snack- yogurt w/ fruit or peanut butter sandwich and a high calorie protein bar

    Lunch- 2 tuna sandwiches w/ brown rice or 16 oz of chicken w brown rice

    Snack- 1 cup cottage cheese and a PB sandwich

    Preworkout- weight gainer/ protein shake

    Postworkout- protein/ creatine shake

    Dinner- either chicken or red meat w/ pasta

    Snack- bowl of cereal

    Bedtime- casein shake

    Keeping this schedule is actually harder than working out!!! I have a very hard time getting this food down.. When I've kept this diet without gear, I've still gained next to nothing. When I tried using "dirtier" foods I got a gut.. Thx again

  4. #4
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    I would suggest some more realistic goals or at least short term ones. Your current stats project as a pretty much averge guy. Hitting 190lbs at 6% and 5'9 would make you a very competitive bodybuilder. This would mean you need to gain 26lbs of solid muscle while losing 10lbs of fat. Those kinds of gains generally take several years. The fact you have 5 cycles under your belt and are an admitted hard gainer tells me you should aim a bit lower for now.

    As far a your diet, you claim you got a gut when you ate dirtier foods. While not terrible, the food you are eating now isnt exactly clean. You need more food and cleaner food. Also, you can have a perfect dialed in diet but if you are busting your ass in the gym and continually finding ways to increase your intensity your muscles have no reason to grow. Not suggesting that's the case here but just giving you some things to think about to hopefully help you figure out why you are not getting results.

  5. #5
    gettinbigger76 is offline New Member
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    Perhaps you are right with my goals. I have consistently been able to reach 180lbs at 8-10 % bf and felt great at those stats, but it was always with "help"... My workout is always high intensity and I make sure to workout with people that have attained the kinds of results I'm looking for or better and push me harder than I could push myself.. I switch up my routines every 6 weeks or so.. Ive always had great results with gear and knock on wood, have only experienced mild acne as a side effect on some highly anabolic compounds.. For economic reasons I was going to run Test E alone for 10-12 weeks, but if it wouldn't serve me best , I can wait to save more and go with a good ol' test/ Deca cycle that has always yielded great results.. I did however put on a good 25 lbs of lean mass my very first cycle of test e only, but that was years ago. Any and all constructive criticism is welcomed. Thx again

  6. #6
    titan13 is offline Junior Member
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    I would be very suprised if you didnt get some nice gains off a test only cycle. you could possibly up the dosage from last time. The key is to be able to keep your gains off cycle. Make sure your pct in on track and run an ai on cycle. Good luck and keep us posted.

  7. #7
    cebby1985 is offline Associate Member
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    Can I ask why your going to do ed shots w sus?

  8. #8
    titan13 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cebby1985 View Post
    Can I ask why your going to do ed shots w sus?
    sust has test p in it, its a short ester. as i understand it.

  9. #9
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by titan13 View Post
    sust has test p in it, its a short ester. as i understand it.
    ED shots are not necessary, some people advocate that EOD is optimal for sustanon but in my experience every 3.5 days is fine and I know many others that run it this way both locally and on this board.

    If you are planning on shooting ED or EOD then you are better running prop I.M.O

  10. #10
    titan13 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    ED shots are not necessary, some people advocate that EOD is optimal for sustanon but in my experience every 3.5 days is fine and I know many others that run it this way both locally and on this board.

    If you are planning on shooting ED or EOD then you are better running prop I.M.O
    That makes sense.

  11. #11
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    It is amazing how different we all are. I would be 300 pounds if I ate your diet...and you stay at 175 pounds.

    Nothing to add. FireGuy covered it.

  12. #12
    gettinbigger76 is offline New Member
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    The Sust and Tren were my last cycle, but like i said, i think the sust was bunk, no real size gain, but I was def stronger and vascular as hell, so I think the tren was legit, but the shorter acting esters were the reasons for the ed injections. I was just going to run test e this time around, due to finances. I was going to run 500mg a week with injections 2x a week. And you're right johnny, what's even worse, is that if I don't keep up that diet, without the use of gear I actually drop weight!!!

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