About to start my 3rd cycle! Goal is to get ripped. Diet and cardio are in check. Last cycle was a year ago. It was:
Week 1-2: Anadrol @50mg ED
Week 3-4: Anadrol @100mg ED
Week 1-12: Deca @500mg EW
Week 1-15: Test c @600mg EW
Week 1-16: Eq @600mg EW
Im thinking of running Test / Tren / Var / Clen / T3 since this is the stack that everyone is recommending for cutting.
So my questions are...
1. What do you experienced guys think of the stack? Do you recommend something else that would be more effective for cutting...while maintaining (or even gaining) LMB?
2. How long should i run it for?
3. Considering my last cycle, how should i dose this one?
Age: 30
Weight: 230lb
Height: 6'5
BF: %14