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Thread: Test / Tren / Var / Clen / T3 cycle. Need your input!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Test / Tren / Var / Clen / T3 cycle. Need your input!

    About to start my 3rd cycle! Goal is to get ripped. Diet and cardio are in check. Last cycle was a year ago. It was:

    Week 1-2: Anadrol @50mg ED

    Week 3-4: Anadrol @100mg ED
    Week 1-12: Deca @500mg EW

    Week 1-15: Test c @600mg EW

    Week 1-16: Eq @600mg EW

    Im thinking of running Test / Tren / Var / Clen / T3 since this is the stack that everyone is recommending for cutting.
    So my questions are...
    1. What do you experienced guys think of the stack? Do you recommend something else that would be more effective for cutting...while maintaining (or even gaining) LMB?
    2. How long should i run it for?
    3. Considering my last cycle, how should i dose this one?

    Age: 30
    Weight: 230lb
    Height: 6'5
    BF: %14
    Last edited by x_SANDMAN_x; 02-20-2012 at 12:31 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    The Gym
    This or any other cutting cycle is completely dependent on diet and cardio. Hopfully you are right about having it in check...but it wouldnt hurt to hop over to the diet section just to make sure.
    As for the cycle. Im currently on a cutting cycle using test and tren. 500ew sust and 400 tren e. I beleive that this more then enough for cutting. Your decision on weather you want to go fast or slow esters.
    I also have clen and T3 on hand but im not going to use it unless I need it. In the first number of weeks you will lose BF anyway so why throw all the compounds in there right away. Wait untill the last few weeks and if you need a final push to get rid of that last bit of stuborn fat then use the clen and T3.
    The cycle itself looks fine. The Var is a nice edition if you have the cash and want to use it but I think that the test and tren will do it for you.
    As for how long to run it, that would depend on your experience with tren. Have you ran tren before?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    No, first time running tren

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    The Gym
    If thats the case then I would decide personally if you think you are ready for tren and run tren a and test prop. That way if you don't like the sides from tren you can stop and it will be out of your system within a week.
    If you don't want the tren at all, then I think test and var is always a great option for cutting. Once again I think you should stick with what I said earlier about the clen and T3. Dont use it until you hit a slow down.
    How much Anavar do you have? But with test prop 10 weeks @ 100 EOD would be fine and Anavar @ 60-80 per day for 8 weeks or so you should be fine. Once again diet and cardio will determine overall sucess.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    I think test@100 eod is not going to be enough, considering my last cycle....and the one before that. Didnt get a suggestion on how to dose tren! If it was 400 a week then whats the highest end of the spectrum?

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