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Thread: Dbol only cyc.

  1. #1

    Question Dbol only cyc.

    I know, I know, but this is a question I'm asking for my brother because I'm not foolish enough to to one. He has a bottle of reforvit b and he's going to use regaurdless of what I say. So, lets say he does this for five weeks @ 35mg/day. At what point should he begin to use the clomid that I've supplied him. Should it be the tradional 3 weeks of last use or because it has such a low half life shoud he begin much sooner. He also does have nolvadex on hand.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    bro, if your giving him clomid then your encouraging old is he...and i wouldnt reccomend a d-bol only cycle to anyone...Madmax...

  3. #3
    I don't see how giving him the clomid is encouraging him. He already has the dbol and is going to start it next week. I haven't yet got the clomid so I'm definatly not encouraging him. I already stated that I told him not to do it but reguardless of what I say, he's going to.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    well, as much as I think dbol only cycles are shit....tell him to start clomid the very next day. tell him to run it at 300mg-day 1 100mg-10days 50mg-10days. all this will do is help get him back to normal. I dont think it will help him keep his gains. as far as that goes he's just screwed..get your 'brother' on this board and tell him to learn on his own. If he spent 1 hour researching dbol only cycles he'd change his mind.......just remember "easy come; easy go" the faster he puts it on the faster he'll loose it all

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I would wait until two days after to start clomid.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    why is that rickson? dbol's half life is around 4 hours yes? so it would seem logical to me that it would be the day after. im confused plz clarify!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You don't need to know
    I think the reason might be because he is using injectables.....but I could be wrong

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