iam 24 years old.
around 195 lbs not sure .
not more than 12% BF ... full abs showing
been training about 3 years. did 1 cycle of test prop.
diet is really good
my idea was long esters cycle
Test E 500mg/wk lets say 1-15 weeks
Primo 700mg/wk 1-15
Masteron E 400mg/wk 1-15
anavar OR winstrol at the last 5 weeks of the cycle up to 1 day before PCT
HCG and aromaisn throughout
nolvadex, clomid. vitamin E for pct ( starts 2 weeks after last test e injection)
i welcome and ideas or changes
i can get legit stuff. only primo im kind of worried cuz i have read alot that 90% of it out there is bunk!
Thank you