clarify please the data contradicts.
From what i read it looks like high estrogen AND low estrogen inhibit your sex drive/ libido,and muscle mass.

Are the normal blood levels for estradiol in men accepted by the AMA to be referenced to?.... or should we accept a higher level of estradiol when on cycle because of the balance the body naturally wishes to attain and if this is the case then what blood level would be acceptable testosterone /estradiol % ??

If high estrogen is the feedback inhibition to the pituitary then why would a low estrogen level cause loss of libido / sex drive?
I dont see much mention about erectile function, is erectile dysfuction considered part of the side effect of lost libido or are they seperate issues?
Could it be estrogen is needed for desire but not for erection?
From this list can we infer that the sole hormone responsible for erectile function is testosterone and that restoring HPTA in regard to erectile dysfunction solely depends on the LH induced natural testosterone production.

I see that you mention some individuals who desensitize their testicles to LH so much its irreversible, do these individuals have erectile dysfunction and is their erectile dysfunction restored with exogenous testosterone ?
Finally I read the following from WARMACHINE posts:
""In just 7 days of Clomid use at 100mgs ED is enough to raise LH and FSH by as much as 50%. You will need nolva also, as the point of these serms is to block estrogen receptors in the HPTA to fool it, and to tell the pituitary to start producing it's own LH and FSH. (Will find the supporting study asap.)
Did anyone find the supporting studies?
Can nolvadex act as a estrogen receptor agonist in skeletal muscle. I have not heard of estrogen receptors in penile tissue... are there do u know of??
It would be interesting if nolvadex also acted on penile tissue inducer/inhibitor.
It is strange that tren being so highly androgenic which would imply it would be a rather good promoter of erectile function, yet ironically suppresses the hell out of it through inhibition of natural weaker endogenous androgen (testosterone ), aside from its increasing the prolactins and progestins.
As you can tell by my line of questions I am concearned about this as I had E.D. for almost a year after using tren and now I shut myself down again using 200mg primobolan a week only, I am getting old 42yo now and when i was young this was never an issue but such a low dose shut me down and I not only have E.D. but I also have no sexual thoughts/desire. maybe my gear was bogus (..
I got some info on warmachines posts but these are old post, the following quote from there relates to my inquery:
""" Estrogen Related Side Effect Prone (i say estrogen related side effect, because there are more side effects than just gyno such as, lethargy, suppressed gains, suppressed sex drive, acne, bloating etc..). """"
and in the same post this apparent counter intuitive statement-

""Beware that lowering estrogen with strong AI's can have a negative effect on cholesterol levels and low estrogen levels can lead to sore joints, cause your losing estrogens anti-inflammitory effect. Can also have a negative impact on your libido. Estrogen has an important role in mass building and joint health, as noted below where "estrogen" is explained."""
please i know this is a long read and hoping a guru dahli lama out there can enlighten myself and actually the whole community could benefit from this knowledge