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Thread: sustanon and winnie cycle......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    sustanon and winnie cycle......

    Before i was planning on doing a fina winnie cycle but all you bros out there told me not to do the fina because i was gonna use the dmso..So i have decided to completely change it up now here is my new cycle plan let me know what you all think...any imput or ideas please let me know

    week 1-10 sust 500mgs shoot mon thurs 250mgs each time
    week 4-10 winnie 50mgs ed
    clomid post cycle and nolva on hand just in case
    let me know

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    hey bro, run the winny week 7-12 and hey i did a susta cycle the same way you are and i would shoot the sust EOD if i were you cause of the prop in goodluck
    week 1-10 sust 250mg EOD
    week 7-12 winny 50mg ED clomid theropy day after last shot of winny..........goodluck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    did you see good results from the sust the way you did it befor?????

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I was also wondering if anyone thought that sust was too crazy for my first test cycle????Any imput is appreciated

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    While I do agree with the idea that Sust is best shot eod to take advantage of the short esters in it, has anyone ever thought about just how much test you are actually shooting this way? Check this out. It is a tool that caclulates how much test is in your system based on how much you Sust you shoot and how often. Just as an example, if you shoot 1ml (250mgs) eod, by the middle of week three your test levels would be above 1000mgs! That's a lot of test even for an experienced bb and certainly too much for a novice with one or two cycles to his name.

    A more appropriate use would be to shoot .5ml eod. This allows stable test levels to exist, but the max test level only reaches around 550mgs. I'm not sure there would be any benefit from the short esters, in this scenario, and it would probably be better to just use a long ester test like enanthate and simplify the whole thing. The only advantage to shooting sust eod would be the fact that this cycle lasting 10 weeks would require 18 cc's of sustanon, while a similar 10 week cycle with enanthate would require 20 cc's and would keep test levels around 500 mgs.

    Sorry to get so long-winded, but all I've been able to do is research lately, on account of my broken arm. Just thought I would share my thoughts. Peace out.


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