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Thread: recommended wkly amount of test c or test e

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    bay village ,ohio

    recommended wkly amount of test c or test e

    good morning doing some research for a upcoming cycle ..i have read alot of posts on here also alot of the beginners info .. my question is would the amount of test done wkly depend on weight ,size age or any other variables ,most importantly being my first test cycle .have done ph's and designer's 1 andro ..4 a d ...havoc with good results . what i have come up with so far from advice here is to start at 300 wkly . moving up from there . looking at following ronnie rowland 's schedule 8wks on ..2 wk deload resume for 8 wks ..all imput will be appreciated .thanks

  2. #2
    What are your stats & goals?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    bay village ,ohio
    hi ,i am 53 yrs ..5'-6" 150 lbs .. have to determine bf% probably 15% .. have been lifting off and on since early 20's .. been steady for the last 2 yrs . have made good gains and want to break a plateau .. goals are lean body mass ... size and strength .. using a good diet, twice a wk body part training ,lots of calories ,protien .. would like to gain 10 lbs . thanks

  4. #4
    Do you already have a sufficient lean mass building diet in place or are you just now starting it? The reason I ask is because breaking through this plateau you have reached may be as simple as a tweak in your diet. Also you mentioned an interest in Ronnie's Blast & Cruise regime, please don't take offense when I assume at your age you probably know what TRT is. Are you on TRT? If not, do you realize blasting & cruising at your age will almost defiantly land you on TRT? I'm not trying to talk you out of it, I just want to make sure you make a well informed decision.

  5. #5
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    100% agree with Bear, at your age look into TRT. You dont want to be doing cycles and trying to recover at 53. I think you would get great results just getting your levels restored to the upper end of the range.

  6. #6
    At 53 you have a good chance of qualifying for TRT. Go see an endo or Urologist and get tested. Generally they will put you on 200mg of test cyp every 12 to 14 days to start.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    bay village ,ohio
    hello all and thanks for the imput ..i agree i could tweak the diet , yes i have heard of trt and was thinking i could probably qualify . i do admit i didnt consider the recovery after the cycle as being a problem ,but as said with my age that may be a concern. i will have to get some blood work done ,and see if the trt is a option . again i appreciate everyones imput .thanks

  8. #8
    At 53 TRT is probably a great place to start. Have your natural levels tested to see where you stand currently.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    bay village ,ohio
    good morning . so i come to the conclusion that if i shut down my natural test production by doing this cycle ,you guys think i might not be able to get it started back up again after coming off .. even if doing a proper pct .. serm ,test boost, ai ,cortisol blocker . i am going to look into trt as suggested i have done a couple ph - ds cycles with pct recently and didnt have any adverse long term effects after pct .i am functioning normally . i understand test is probably stronger and i have never done it .so i have to follow what those with the experience think .. i appreciate your imput . thanks

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Yes and look at it this way, do you have insurance? If yes then how would you like your insurance to pay for your test besides getting better gains from just being on TRT than you are getting now naturally? If you are like me (almost 50, Gawd did I just say that? ) then you will be prescribed 1 vial a month but only use 1/2 or a little more. It wont take long to build a little excess and when you are ready to run a cycle you have it on hand with no worries about having to order it online or from some gym rat and worry about quality.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    bay village ,ohio
    good morning ,i am 53 still in good shape trying to stay healthy . sounds like a good plan .. i am going to look for a good dr in regards to trt ..fortunatly i do have insurance .. i have been reading more about the trt ..and it seems there are alot of good benifits from having the proper amount of test ..i do have some of the symtoms of low test ..not sleeping good ,fatigue .. i agree the best benefit would be the legality of haveing a script .. thanks

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