hi i'm on my 2nd week of SD sycle and i'm gonna run it for another 2 weeks. thw dosage is 20 mg ED.
now for my PCT, the guy who sold me SD recomended PurusLabs "recycle". it's a hormone axhilirator. i got this supplement but i'm not sure if i still need to run nolva. if i do what would be the nolva dosage with this supplement? is Tamoxifen Citrate the same as Nolvadex?
my stats: age 29, H 5.9', W 188lb, BF 10-12% 3600+ calories diet, 300g protein, i dont count my carbs ant fats.
i have no side effects so far and have gained 8lbs of lean muscle.
after this cycle(with 4 weeks of PCT) i'm going to run test E only cycle. so how long should i wait till my next cycle?